OneLife Community Church

Locations & Times
OneLife Community Church
1814 N 51st Ave E, Duluth, MN 55804, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
Give Online Idea: Our questions about suffering can ultimately lead us to (or strengthen) our faith in God.
Depending on our perspective, this often leads to self-examination, other-examination or putting God on trial.
Job’s story is ambiguous because he is representative of a universal human problem – suffering.
Job grieves the terrible events that happen around him, but he is steadfast in his faith in God.
Instead of asking God the obvious question, Job responds with worship.
Job’s response demonstrates his rock solid faith and trust in God’s plan and purpose for his life, even though he does not understand the reason for his suffering.
Takeaway: Job is a lesson in perspective. Even when we don’t know all the answers, we can have the perspective that God will see us through our trials.