Spring Creek Assembly
FOLLOW - Part 2 | What Does It Mean?
Rescue Lost People | Redeem the Family | Raise Up Leaders
Locations & Times
Spring Creek Assembly
1600 E 15th St, Edmond, OK 73013, USA
Sunday 8:30 AM
Sunday 10:00 AM
Sunday 11:30 AM
We encourage you to sign in and take notes. As you follow along, you can use the "add notes" feature to fill in the blanks. The completed answers can be found at the end.
Following Jesus in the 21st Century is inextricably __ to the 1st Century rabbi-disciple __.
Talmid means in Hebrew “disciple” or “student” - in English to mean “apprentice.”
Talmid means in Hebrew “disciple” or “student” - in English to mean “apprentice.”
What does it mean to follow Jesus?
Following Jesus means __ from Him.
Following Jesus means __ from Him.
How is what I’m learning from Rabbi Jesus __ my life right now?
Following Jesus means __ like Him.
Following Jesus means __ like Him.
How is my life __ more of Rabbi Jesus?
Following Jesus means accepting His __, receiving His __, surrendering to His __ and obeying His mission of __.
Following Jesus means accepting His __, receiving His __, surrendering to His __ and obeying His mission of __.
Fasting From Social Media
2023 Spring Creek "Follow" Reading Plan
The theme for 2023 at Spring Creek is Follow. Pick up a printed reading guide available at the church or download a digital version using this link.