StoneBridge Community Church

Storytime: Come to Light
Senior Pastor Jon Saur
Locations & Times
StoneBridge Community Church
4832 Cochran St, Simi Valley, CA 93063, USA
Saturday 5:15 PM
Sunday 5:20 PM
Online Connection Card
Worship With Generosity
Jesus often taught through parables. The term "parable" comes from the Greek and refers to "throwing alongside" one idea to make another idea clearer. In order to help his followers understand the Kingdom of God, Jesus "threw alongside" simple stories.
In January, we will be looking at Jesus' parables in the Gospel of Mark, in order to understand how Mark presents Jesus and how Jesus presented the Kingdom of God to his followers.
The Text In Context, Part 1
The Text In Context, Part 2
I. What is Jesus talking about?
II. The previous parable.
A. The Sower
B. Who is what?
III. Mystery in Mark
A. Mark 4:12
B. Matthew 13:13
C. Uncertainty is the point in Mark
IV. How do you deal with Uncertainty?
A. Unnerving?
B. Freeing?
V. "Everything will come to light"
A. The parable's response to uncertainty
B. "Just trust me."
VI. Trusting Jesus
A. Difficult
B. Not just trusting Jesus.
1) Think about someone you trust deeply. What makes you trust that person?
2) Compare your trust in that person to your trust in Jesus. How is it different? How is it similar?
3) Pray that God would help your trust in Jesus reflect your trust in the person from item 1.
1) How do you deal with uncertainty?
2) Are you a naturally trusting person?
3) Do you find it difficult to trust Jesus? Why or why not?
4) In what ways is trusting Jesus different than trusting other people?
5) What are practical things you either already do or can begin to do to deepen your trust in Jesus?

The ALPHA Course is a 10-week opportunity to explore the validity and relevance of the Christian faith for our lives today. A new session begins Thursday, January 19th @ 7pm. ALPHA is a practical introduction to the basics of Christianity. ALPHA is informal, and friendly and provides a safe environment for questions and discussion. Dessert and childcare provided. Call Paul or Katrina Dixon at 579-8066 for more information or click below to sign up.
Alpha Sign-Up
Starting the first weekend in February, StoneBridge will be launching a new series – called Truly Natural. Truly Natural will insightfully journey through Gospel of Mark. Whether in-person or by Zoom, experience your own spiritual blessing by facilitating or hosting a new Spring growth group. No prior experience is necessary. Sign up on your connection card this weekend or click the link below. If you have any questions, please contact the church office.