New Life Church

21 Days of Hunger: Pastor Tim
Part 2: Big Specific Prayer!
Locations & Times
New Life Assembly of God
15 Swart Ln, Saugerties, NY 12477, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
Two mistakes we make in prayer:
1. Our prayers are often too SMALL
2. Our prayers are often too GENERAL
1. Our prayers are often too SMALL
2. Our prayers are often too GENERAL
General prayers do not move God to specific action!
Let’s pray BIG, SPECIFIC prayers!
“I pray that ___________ so that _________!”
“I pray that ___________ so that _________!”
1. Pray that we would be strengthened so that we would be surrendered.
2. Pray that we would seize so that we would be saturated.
The reason for our confidence:
Upcoming and Weekly Events
Sunday Service @ 10 AM. Nursery is available for children up to age 4, and KidZone for ages 5-11.
21 Days of Hunger January 9-29
Suggested Reading Plan: 21 Days of Prayer: Reconnecting
Prayer Gathering: Fridays January 13, 20, and 27 @ 7 PM.
Celebration of Praise @ Mission Church, Holmes NY @ 6 PM.
Girl’s Ministry Tuesdays from 5:30-6:30 PM. See Sharee Haromontelongo for more info. No Girl’s Ministry January 3!
Finish Line Youth for ages 12-12th grade, Fridays from 7- 8:30 PM. See Pastor James for more info.
Annual Business Meeting Saturday, January 21, 2023 @ 10 AM.
21 Days of Hunger January 9-29
Suggested Reading Plan: 21 Days of Prayer: Reconnecting
Prayer Gathering: Fridays January 13, 20, and 27 @ 7 PM.
Celebration of Praise @ Mission Church, Holmes NY @ 6 PM.
Girl’s Ministry Tuesdays from 5:30-6:30 PM. See Sharee Haromontelongo for more info. No Girl’s Ministry January 3!
Finish Line Youth for ages 12-12th grade, Fridays from 7- 8:30 PM. See Pastor James for more info.
Annual Business Meeting Saturday, January 21, 2023 @ 10 AM.
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