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White Field's Community Church

1 Timothy 2:8-15 - Saved Through the Birth of a Child

1 Timothy 2:8-15 - Saved Through the Birth of a Child

In 1 Timothy 2:8-15, we see how the church is a colony of Heaven, comprised or people redeemed through the birth of a child.

Locations & Times

White Fields Community Church

2950 Colorful Ave, Longmont, CO 80504, USA

Sunday 9:15 AM

Sunday 11:00 AM

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The church is an alternative community: a colony of Heaven, made up of people redeemed through the birth of a child.
“Pink, being a more decided and stronger color, is well suited for boys, while blue, which is delicate and dainty, is prettier and therefore preferred by girls.”
- Ladies Home Journal, 1918
"The church is a colony of Heaven in the country of death."
Elements of Church Gatherings since the time of the Apostles:
- Worship in Song
- Prayer
- Teaching
- Fellowship
- Communion
Acts 20:4 - Aristarchus and Secundus of Thessalonica
Philippians 2:5-8 - Even though Jesus was equal to the Father (as God), he submitted himself to the Father.
The Trinity is a picture of equality, submission, and diversity of roles.
Community Group Discussion Guide
Week of January 29 - February 4, 2023
Equipped to Serve
Saved Through the Birth of a Child
1 Timothy 2:8-15

1)The new app is available for download. Link is on our website.
2) Construction of the new women’s bathroom in the rear of the sanctuary is complete.

Which actor would you want to play you in the movie about your life?

Looking back at your notes from this week’s teaching, was there anything you heard for the first time, caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?

The church is an alternative community: a colony of Heaven, made up of people redeemed through the birth of a child.

The church…
1. Read 1 Timothy 2:8a As Paul turns his attention to orderly, proper worship when the church comes together, he recognizes the inherent strengths of both men and women. In doing so, what instructions does Paul give men and where should they be doing it?
a. Why might Paul have reminded men to do this whenever the church meets together? …is an alternative community:…
2. Read 1 Timothy 2:8b-9 Paul explains not only the posture, but also the attitude of the men as they pray when the church meets together. Why is this Paul’s focus?
a. What does it mean to have “holy hands”? (Hint: See Isaiah 1:15)
3. As Paul turns to women, he desires them to dress with modesty and with moderation. Why should this be a concern for the women in the church of Ephesus?
a. What are some of the things he lists that would be deemed inappropriate for women to wear to public worship services in Paul’s day? Why do you think he lists these things? … a colony of Heaven,..
4. Read 1 Timothy 2:10-14. Instead of adorning themselves with expensive clothing and jewelry, the women of the church should drape themselves with good deeds. Why are good deeds proper for a woman who professes Jesus? (hint: Read 1 Peter 3:3-4)
5. Paul teaches that both men and women are equal in value and worth before God (Galatians 3:28), yet in this passage he conveys that they have different functions within church gatherings.
a. The word translated in verses 11-12 as “quiet” means “stillness or lack of disturbance”, and is the same word used in verse 2 to describe a “quiet life.” Knowing this, how does it affect how we understand what is being said in this passage?
b. Jesus submits to the Father, yet is equal to the Father in Godhood (John 5:18). Why do you think so many in Western culture confuse “submissiveness” with “inequality”?
c. As Paul addresses spiritual authority within the church, why does he not permit women to teach or exercise spiritual authority over a man?
d. As reasoning for the different roles of men and women in the church, Paul points to Adam and Eve. What argument does Paul make regarding the order of creation? Though sin entered the world through Adam (Romans 5:12), what explanation does Paul give regarding Eve’s involvement in the Fall? …made up of people redeemed through the birth of a child.
6. Read 1 Timothy 2:15. Paul literally says that “she will be saved in the childbearing.”
a. Read Galatians 4:4-5. What is the childbirth through which women, and therefore all mankind, will be saved?
b. Why is this statement made by Paul so significant?
7. What godly character qualities are women to develop as they live a life pleasing to God?

Looking back at this week’s study, what is important for you to remember and why?