Pennsville Baptist Church

Sunday Morning Service
Sunday Morning Service
Locations & Times
Pennsville Baptist Church
3298 Richey Rd, Mt Pleasant, PA 15666, USA
Sunday 9:45 AM
Isaiah 43:1-21
When We Fail...God Doesn’t
1. Have you failed God? God never fails.
2. Isaiah 43:1-21 Israel had failed. When we deserve judgment…God gives us grace.
Have you failed God? God never fails.
A. Fear not...God’s Progression 1-4
Fear not. Why are we afraid? Because we feel deeply insecure with God. We are
fearful that He may give us what we deserve!
1. His Power...’I have’ 1Created Thee…Formed Thee…Redeemed Thee…Called
Thee. What matters most about you is not what you deserve, but whose you are.
2. His Promise...’I will’ 2 When you pass through the water…I will be with thee.
When you pass through rivers…they shall not overflow thee. When you walk
through the fire…thou shalt not be burnt. Neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.
3. His Person...’I am’ 3I am the Lord thy God…the Holy One…Thy Savior. We
disown Him. He doesn’t disown us. The disciplines of God are real, but they are
not His last word. When we go through the fires and floods of life…God isn’t
4. His Passion...’you are...’ 4You are precious. You are honored. You are loved.
NASV I will give other peoples in exchange for your life. When we think how
boldly God acted for Israel. Egypt…God saved Israel at Egypt’s expense. God
handed Babylon over to Cyrus to release the Jew. God has loving intentions
toward you and uses other people to fulfill His desire. Why? You are
precious…honored and loved! God orchestrates history for His blind and deaf
servants. It’s all about God…not us!!
B. Fear not...God’s Providence 5-7
1. His Greatness...’I Am’ 5-6aThis is bigger than Israel’s return from Babylon!
God is going to bring the Jew from all over the world back to Israel from the
E,W,N, S. In 1948 Israel returned after nearly 2000 years.
2. His Goodness…’I Will’ 6bBring my sons and my daughters from the ends of
the earth. God knows those who are His. He will do what it takes to get them
where He wants them!
3. His Grace…’I Have’ 7I have created him. I have formed him. I have made him
all for my glory! Our destiny is to be a living advertisement of how good God is to
people who do not deserve it.
Have you failed God? God never fails.
Witnesses…I have a job for you to do! You are my witnesses.
A. The Challenge 8-9
1. To the idols and religions of the world: “This is what I’ve done.” “Show Me what
you have done for them.”
2. Former things refers to the ways of the Lord: Created…Formed…Redeemed His
3. Nations have two choices: verify their idols or acknowledge the truth. (9)
B. The Conclusion 10-13
“You are my witnesses” Religions chose their gods who could not choose anyone.
Why were we chosen? That you may know me…believe me…understand:I AM He.
I AM eternal. To what do we witness?
1. Our Only Savior 10-11 Beside Me, there is no Savior! I have declared: God
has spoken. I have saved: God has saved. I have shown: God has shown (There is
ample evidence.)
2. Our Only Sovereign 12 The LORD…I am God! Beside Me there is no
Savior. I AM God!
3. Our Only Solace 13 Since this is true: Before the day…I AM He. There is
none that can snatch you out of my hand. I will work. No one can stop Me!
Have you failed God? God never fails.
III. GOD HAS A PLAN 43:14-21
God knows the future.
A. The Intervention of God 14-17
1. Babylon 14, 15 God is working. The living God expressed Himself and invaded the
experience of the Jews. The same living God comes into our captivities today. He
proves all over that God is Real, not that we deserve it, but because of who He is!
2. Egypt 16, 17 Moses and the exodus was not a one-day event…it was a pattern! He
says, we shouldn’t be so concentrated on His mercies in the past that we miss the
new things He is doing every day. God never acts out of character, but He never runs
out of new ideas. He can lead you through the Red Sea! “Follow Me.”
B. The Intention of God 18-21
Isaiah looks to the Millennial Kingdom: I will do a new thing. I will turn the negatives
into positives. Why? That they shall show forth My praise!
It’s All of His Grace, and All For His Glory!
When We Fail...God Doesn’t
1. Have you failed God? God never fails.
2. Isaiah 43:1-21 Israel had failed. When we deserve judgment…God gives us grace.
Have you failed God? God never fails.
A. Fear not...God’s Progression 1-4
Fear not. Why are we afraid? Because we feel deeply insecure with God. We are
fearful that He may give us what we deserve!
1. His Power...’I have’ 1Created Thee…Formed Thee…Redeemed Thee…Called
Thee. What matters most about you is not what you deserve, but whose you are.
2. His Promise...’I will’ 2 When you pass through the water…I will be with thee.
When you pass through rivers…they shall not overflow thee. When you walk
through the fire…thou shalt not be burnt. Neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.
3. His Person...’I am’ 3I am the Lord thy God…the Holy One…Thy Savior. We
disown Him. He doesn’t disown us. The disciplines of God are real, but they are
not His last word. When we go through the fires and floods of life…God isn’t
4. His Passion...’you are...’ 4You are precious. You are honored. You are loved.
NASV I will give other peoples in exchange for your life. When we think how
boldly God acted for Israel. Egypt…God saved Israel at Egypt’s expense. God
handed Babylon over to Cyrus to release the Jew. God has loving intentions
toward you and uses other people to fulfill His desire. Why? You are
precious…honored and loved! God orchestrates history for His blind and deaf
servants. It’s all about God…not us!!
B. Fear not...God’s Providence 5-7
1. His Greatness...’I Am’ 5-6aThis is bigger than Israel’s return from Babylon!
God is going to bring the Jew from all over the world back to Israel from the
E,W,N, S. In 1948 Israel returned after nearly 2000 years.
2. His Goodness…’I Will’ 6bBring my sons and my daughters from the ends of
the earth. God knows those who are His. He will do what it takes to get them
where He wants them!
3. His Grace…’I Have’ 7I have created him. I have formed him. I have made him
all for my glory! Our destiny is to be a living advertisement of how good God is to
people who do not deserve it.
Have you failed God? God never fails.
Witnesses…I have a job for you to do! You are my witnesses.
A. The Challenge 8-9
1. To the idols and religions of the world: “This is what I’ve done.” “Show Me what
you have done for them.”
2. Former things refers to the ways of the Lord: Created…Formed…Redeemed His
3. Nations have two choices: verify their idols or acknowledge the truth. (9)
B. The Conclusion 10-13
“You are my witnesses” Religions chose their gods who could not choose anyone.
Why were we chosen? That you may know me…believe me…understand:I AM He.
I AM eternal. To what do we witness?
1. Our Only Savior 10-11 Beside Me, there is no Savior! I have declared: God
has spoken. I have saved: God has saved. I have shown: God has shown (There is
ample evidence.)
2. Our Only Sovereign 12 The LORD…I am God! Beside Me there is no
Savior. I AM God!
3. Our Only Solace 13 Since this is true: Before the day…I AM He. There is
none that can snatch you out of my hand. I will work. No one can stop Me!
Have you failed God? God never fails.
III. GOD HAS A PLAN 43:14-21
God knows the future.
A. The Intervention of God 14-17
1. Babylon 14, 15 God is working. The living God expressed Himself and invaded the
experience of the Jews. The same living God comes into our captivities today. He
proves all over that God is Real, not that we deserve it, but because of who He is!
2. Egypt 16, 17 Moses and the exodus was not a one-day event…it was a pattern! He
says, we shouldn’t be so concentrated on His mercies in the past that we miss the
new things He is doing every day. God never acts out of character, but He never runs
out of new ideas. He can lead you through the Red Sea! “Follow Me.”
B. The Intention of God 18-21
Isaiah looks to the Millennial Kingdom: I will do a new thing. I will turn the negatives
into positives. Why? That they shall show forth My praise!
It’s All of His Grace, and All For His Glory!
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