StoneBridge Community Church

Associate Pastor Jonathan Lusche
Locations & Times
StoneBridge Community Church
4832 Cochran St, Simi Valley, CA 93063, USA
Saturday 5:15 PM
Sunday 5:20 PM
Online Connection Card
Thanks for joining us today! Follow this link to our online Connection Card where you can let us know you were here and share any prayer concerns. With Generosity
Thanks for partnering with us in our mission to share the hope of Jesus, to make disciples, and to send them out. Secure online giving via PayPal. 2:21-39
It's the week following Christmas.
Similarly this weekend at StoneBridge, we're examining the scripture from the Gospel of Luke that describes the events of the baby Jesus, Joseph, and Mary commencing the the week after his birth. We'll focus on the attributes of the prophet Anna.
It's the week following Christmas.
Similarly this weekend at StoneBridge, we're examining the scripture from the Gospel of Luke that describes the events of the baby Jesus, Joseph, and Mary commencing the the week after his birth. We'll focus on the attributes of the prophet Anna.
The Text In Context
"By our American standards, we might look at Anna’s life and think, 'What a waste! Eighty-four years, most of it spent in the temple fasting and praying! You’ve got to be kidding!'"... Obviously, God had gifted her and she lived accordingly. But apart from her unique gifts, the principle holds true: Anna lived fully devoted to God. God looked on her with..." Click link to read more.
Norman Rockwell "Coming and Going" 1947
1. Anna...
... was a waiting, widow.
2. Anna...
... worshipped.
3. Anna...
... witnessed.
1. Who in your life has been a positive influence and role model to you? Did the role model somehow change the trajectory of your life in some way? If so, how?
2. Are you good at waiting? What do you do while waiting? Regarding patience and perseverance, how would you score yourself? Reflecting on Anna’s example, how might you improve in this area?
3. How do you honestly feel about worship? What is most meaningful to you about worship? Does Anna’s example inspire you? If so, how?
4. How do you honestly feel about witnessing? Do you feel witnessing is the same as evangelism? How are the similar? How are they different? Does Anna’s example inspire you? If so, how?
1. Who in your life has been a positive influence and role model to you? Did the role model somehow change the trajectory of your life in some way? If so, how?
2. Are you good at waiting? What do you do while waiting? Regarding patience and perseverance, how would you score yourself? Reflecting on Anna’s example, how might you improve in this area?
3. How do you honestly feel about worship? What is most meaningful to you about worship? Does Anna’s example inspire you? If so, how?
4. How do you honestly feel about witnessing? Do you feel witnessing is the same as evangelism? How are the similar? How are they different? Does Anna’s example inspire you? If so, how?
- Reflect on Anna’s example of patience. How might you improve in this area of your life?
- Reflect on Anna's example of worship. How might you improve in this area of your life?
- Reflect on Anna’s example of witnessing. How does Anna inspire you?
- Prayerfully consider and allow Anna’s example to influence your New Year’s resolutions.
- Reflect on Anna’s example of patience. How might you improve in this area of your life?
- Reflect on Anna's example of worship. How might you improve in this area of your life?
- Reflect on Anna’s example of witnessing. How does Anna inspire you?
- Prayerfully consider and allow Anna’s example to influence your New Year’s resolutions.

The ALPHA Course is a 10-week opportunity to explore the validity and relevance of the Christian faith for our lives today. A new session begins Thursday, January 19th @ 7pm. ALPHA is a practical introduction to the basics of Christianity. ALPHA is informal, and friendly and provides a safe environment for questions and discussion. Dessert and childcare provided. Call Paul or Katrina Dixon at 579-8066 for more information or click below to sign up.
Alpha Sign-Up Link encourage you to use Facebook, Instagram, and other social media to share images, quotes, links, or what you've learned from this week's message and YouVersion message notes. Social media can also be a great way of inviting your friends to worship and special events.
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