First Baptist Church
Family Christmas Devotional #2
Family Christmas Devotionals, 2022
Locations & Times
First Baptist Zachary
4200 Main St, Zachary, LA 70791, USA
Sunday 12:00 PM
In the first century world, the shepherd was an important job, but because of his duties caring for the sheep, it was also a dirty job. In fact, it was those very dirty duties that made the shepherd ceremonially unclean. He couldn’t even enter the temple without going through a purification process. That’s what’s so exciting about our passage today. God’s own Son had come into the world, and He would someday die on the cross to redeem you and me from our sins, and the first people to hear that he had been born were lowly, dirty shepherds. In their societal hierarchy, the shepherds would have been the lowest of the low, but God tells them the good news first. God wants them then and us today to know that this gift that was His Son Jesus, is for EVERYONE! No one is too unclean for Jesus.
Main Point: God sent His Son into the world.
God's plan to redeem the world and rescue us from our sin began. Jesus, His Son, was born and would someday save God's people from their sin, and that gift is for everyone.
God's plan to redeem the world and rescue us from our sin began. Jesus, His Son, was born and would someday save God's people from their sin, and that gift is for everyone.
Spend time praying
Dear God,
Thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus, to earth. Thank You that Your gift, Jesus, is for everyone.
Dear God,
Thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus, to earth. Thank You that Your gift, Jesus, is for everyone.
Hark the Herald Angels Sing
Worship together with the following video worship song and Sheep Craft