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Grace Church

Our Church - My H.O.M.E.  #3 - Tool Time (29th Anniversary)

Our Church - My H.O.M.E. #3 - Tool Time (29th Anniversary)

Locations & Times

Grace Community Church

8950 M-79, Nashville, MI 49073, USA

Sunday 10:00 AM

Today we celebrate the 29th Anniversary of Grace Church. According to Hallmark, the official theme for a 29th is tools.

Tools are interesting. They allow us to do work easier and more productively than we normally could with our own hands. Tools can make life easier, especially if you have the right person with the right tool for a given task.

3 simple observations about tools:
1. Tools usually have a specific primary function.
2. Tools working in cooperation with others will almost always accomplish more.
3. Tools are only really helpful when they are used.

Simply put, tools have a purpose, and when used correctly, they enhance our quality of life and enable us to accomplish our purposes.
As we celebrate our anniversary today, we should think about the fact that each and every one of us are similar to a tool.
God has uniquely created and gifted each of us with a purpose in mind. He has a plan for using our lives, talents, abilities, and passions, and He desires to use US to accomplish His work.
This means US as individuals and US as a corporate church.
Ephesians 2:10
As individuals and a church, we should view God's plan for us as a tremendous privilege.
"Resting on your laurels" - in the ancient Greek sporting contests, a champion was presented with a laurel crown.
A champion could, over time, become complacent and satisfied, content with what HAD BEEN DONE rather than what COULD BE DONE.
As we celebrate our anniversary, those of us who are followers of Jesus should reflect upon our lives and our church. It's been a tremendous adventure!
For 29 years the Lord has planned, provided, protected, and prepared our church to accomplish the good works that the Apostle Paul wrote about.
Grace Church is where the Lord has you at this moment of your life journey. Don't rest on your laurels! Get into the game, grow and go, and be the one!
As we look at Grace Church today, be thankful for our past, be mindful of our present, and be hopeful as we look forward into an unknown future.

The START of Grace

In the history of Grace, there have been some incredible God moments:
1. Vision
2. Giving that has lead to paying off the mortgage in 19 years
3. Start of the church
4. Purchase of 78 acres of land
5. First 5 years over 100 people made decisions for the Lord and thousands more were presented the Gospel
6. God's protection

Through it all, God has blessed, God has brought new people, God has built a church that cares about disciple-making and not the status quo, and God has bonded the hearts of a committed leadership team.
The IMPACT of Grace

Over the past 3 decades, Grace Church has made a positive impact in the lives of individuals, our communities, and churches: physically, relationally, technically, economically, and professionally.

Spiritually - we have drawn a line in the sand and committed ourselves to being:
- a DEVOTED Church: preaching Christ and the Bible
- a DISCIPLE-MAKING Church: a clear strategy to reach the lost, grow people in their faith, and equip them to do likewise
- a DIFFERENT Church: where creativity, community, and ministry are encouraged and expected
The FUTURE of Grace

In the very first service of Grace Church, Pastor Don said, "All we have is Jesus and each other." Nothing has changed from that day until now.
That thought is captured in the theme verse of Grace Church, Ephesians 3:20
We need to remember this! Our future is incredibly bright if we remember this truth, embrace it, and re-order our lives around it.
1. Remember it is God whom WE SERVE.

God saved us to live big lives; so let's not settle for little lives of self-indulgence in a sin-soaked culture.
God's plan for His Church through the ages has been to raise up spiritual leaders...people who will be His tools.
2. Remember it is God who MUST WORK THROUGH US.

We have to re-order our plans and passions around God's priorities.
In 2023 the key word is BE. Be the person, family, and church that Jesus died for you to BE.
Dare to dream dreams that are worthy of God's intervention and blessing. Over the past few weeks in our Bible reading plan we've read of how God used the Apostle Paul. Let Him do that with you...with US!

Grace Church Website

CJ's Coffee Shop Pre-Order Link

H.O.M.E. Groups

Now that you've had the opportunity to experience a home group, whether during our time in church or this past Sunday, we hope you'll think about joining a group if you don't already have one. Visit the website to learn about which groups are meeting; you can sign-up for a group there as well. You can also contact the church office; we'd love to help you with this (

Decorating at Grace - Can you help?

The Christmas elves will be decending upon Grace Church next Thursday, December 1st to decorate the church for the Christmas season. Contact Angie Walker if you are available to help that day ( or contact the church office.

Christmas Tree Decorating Contest

If you've signed up to decorate a tree for the annual Christmas Tree decorating contest, you can decorate on Sunday after the service/lunch or anytime during the week. Trees will be judged by the congregation the following Sunday, December 4th.

Gracewear Shopping Link

Grace Church now has a shopping link for Gracewear through Courtside Screen Printing & Embroidery. Use the link below to take a look. All questions and orders go directly through Courtside. Their contact information can be found at the bottom of the page.
Birthdays and Anniversaries We're Celebrating This Week!

Saturday, November 26th - Bernie Hickey, Warren Justice
Monday, November 28th - Tom & Bev Oleson
Wednesday, November 30th - Darren Carpenter
Thursday, December 1st - Rhonda Cook
Friday, December 2nd - Angie Walker