First UMC

Downtown Worship, November 27, 2022
The Recipe for Peace
Locations & Times
First United Methodist Church of Lexington - Downtown
200 W High St, Lexington, KY 40507, USA
Sunday 8:30 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
Since the Advent season has been so closely linked to Christmas over the years, it may be startling to hear that Advent is not simply a transitional season in and of itself communicates a message of immense, even ultimate, importance. Of all the seasons of the church year, Advent most closely mirrors the daily lives of Christians and of the church, asks the most important ethical questions, presents the most accurate picture of the human condition, and above all, orients us to the future of the God will come again. - Advent by Fleming Rutledge
Can we agree that our world is in need of peace? And if so, can we agree that God is willing and capable? That leaves two other sources who may be actively preventing peace that “passes all understanding” (Phil 4:7).
Evil sources. Humanity itself.
We undermine peace by refusing to accept God’s:
1.) timing,
2.) judgment of who can be included, and
3.) strategy for bringing it about.
Therefore, to be instruments of the Prince of Peace we need to:
A. Lay aside our idols of peace.
B. Practice the ways of peace.
C. Learn to advent which is marked by an expectant and active waiting.
Can we agree that our world is in need of peace? And if so, can we agree that God is willing and capable? That leaves two other sources who may be actively preventing peace that “passes all understanding” (Phil 4:7).
Evil sources. Humanity itself.
We undermine peace by refusing to accept God’s:
1.) timing,
2.) judgment of who can be included, and
3.) strategy for bringing it about.
Therefore, to be instruments of the Prince of Peace we need to:
A. Lay aside our idols of peace.
B. Practice the ways of peace.
C. Learn to advent which is marked by an expectant and active waiting.
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