GateWay Church of Visalia

Philosopher Jesus
Pastor Ed Kemp November 17 & 20, 2022
Locations & Times
GateWay Church
1100 S Sowell St, Visalia, CA 93277, USA
Thursday 6:45 PM
Sunday 8:30 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
So What?!
If you’re going to pursue greatness you need:
#1. A transparent humanity.
“…I am among you as the one who serves.”
“…I am among you as the one who serves.”
#2. A genuine humility.
“…the one who is the greatest among you must become like the youngest, and the leader like the servant.”
“…the one who is the greatest among you must become like the youngest, and the leader like the servant.”
#3. An absolute loyalty.
“You are the ones who have stood by Me in My trials…”
“You are the ones who have stood by Me in My trials…”
Jesus the Philosopher: Answers for Life
Luke 22:24-30, November 17 & 20, 2022
Prayer Requests:
Group Discussion: Who do you remember from any year of school you attended who served on student council or was team captain or lead that you respected?
Read out loud: Luke 22:24-30,
If you’re going to pursue greatness you need:
#1. A transparent humanity. “…I am among you as the one who serves.”
Servants are people who are able to take their failures in stride, they allow others to see and know that they don’t have everything totally together. They can admit their part in the strain of their marriage, the lack at times of wisdom in parenting, their need for better grades in school, the bad decisions they’ve made in business, the desire for much more discretion on the internet, their frustration in not being a better neighbor, and their lack of the fruit of the Spirit in their lives. Of those which would you like to improve?
#2. A genuine humility. “…the one who is the greatest among you must become like the youngest, and the leader like the servant.” In Israel the youngest did the simplest chores, tend the sheep! David was the youngest and led the sheep everyday to green pastures and still waters. Read Psalm 2. A great dosage of humility comes from admitting your dependence on God in a culture that highly values self-reliance and independence.
Discuss how picturing yourself as a sheep (as David did in the Psalm) would help you develop more humility before God.
Have you ever been through a painful experience that created a relational bond with another or others?
#3. An absolute loyalty. “You are the ones who have stood by Me in My trials…”
Talk about (without names) people who stick by you and even help you when: you’ve made a mistake, sinned, changed jobs, moved your residence, got divorced, remarried, had kids, begun the empty nest, changed schools, gone on a diet, etc. etc. etc.
Family Time: Read Luke 22:24-27 to your kids and ask them what it means to be a servant like Jesus. Come up with a service project you can do in your neighborhood or school. Who needs leaves raked, weeds pulled, car washed, bushes trimmed, cookies baked, Christmas card made for, clothes donated to Rescued Treasures, come up with something!
Luke 22:24-30, November 17 & 20, 2022
Prayer Requests:
Group Discussion: Who do you remember from any year of school you attended who served on student council or was team captain or lead that you respected?
Read out loud: Luke 22:24-30,
If you’re going to pursue greatness you need:
#1. A transparent humanity. “…I am among you as the one who serves.”
Servants are people who are able to take their failures in stride, they allow others to see and know that they don’t have everything totally together. They can admit their part in the strain of their marriage, the lack at times of wisdom in parenting, their need for better grades in school, the bad decisions they’ve made in business, the desire for much more discretion on the internet, their frustration in not being a better neighbor, and their lack of the fruit of the Spirit in their lives. Of those which would you like to improve?
#2. A genuine humility. “…the one who is the greatest among you must become like the youngest, and the leader like the servant.” In Israel the youngest did the simplest chores, tend the sheep! David was the youngest and led the sheep everyday to green pastures and still waters. Read Psalm 2. A great dosage of humility comes from admitting your dependence on God in a culture that highly values self-reliance and independence.
Discuss how picturing yourself as a sheep (as David did in the Psalm) would help you develop more humility before God.
Have you ever been through a painful experience that created a relational bond with another or others?
#3. An absolute loyalty. “You are the ones who have stood by Me in My trials…”
Talk about (without names) people who stick by you and even help you when: you’ve made a mistake, sinned, changed jobs, moved your residence, got divorced, remarried, had kids, begun the empty nest, changed schools, gone on a diet, etc. etc. etc.
Family Time: Read Luke 22:24-27 to your kids and ask them what it means to be a servant like Jesus. Come up with a service project you can do in your neighborhood or school. Who needs leaves raked, weeds pulled, car washed, bushes trimmed, cookies baked, Christmas card made for, clothes donated to Rescued Treasures, come up with something!