Sierra Vista Community Church

Living My Life As A Thank You Gift To God
The Attitude of Thankfulness Part 2
Locations & Times
Sierra Vista Community Church
514 N Telshor Blvd, Las Cruces, NM 88011, United States
Sunday 10:00 AM
It is my duty to thank God …
• … because of who God is.
“Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised and his greatness is unsearchable.” (Psalm 145:3) [ESV]
“Give thanks to him as you remember how holy he is.” (Psalm 97:12b) [GW]
“I will thank the Lord because he is just.” (Psalm 7:17a) [NLT]
“... I will give you thanks because you are good.(Psalm 54:6) [GNT]
“Tell the Lord how thankful you are, because he is kind and always merciful.” (Psalm 118:1) [CEV]
• … because of what God has done.
“God, I will thank you forever for what you have done.” (Psalm 52:9a) [NCV]
“Let them praise the name of the Lord! For he commanded and they were created.” (Psalm 148:5) [ESV]
“... I will praise you; I will rejoice because you saved me.” (Psalm 9:14b) [NCV]
“I praise the Lord for answering my prayers ...” (Psalm 118:21a) [CEV]
“I praise you, Lord, for being my guide ...” (Psalm 16:7a) [CEV]
• …because of what God has promised.
“Then I will praise you with music on the harp, because you are faithful to your promises” (Psalm 71:22a) [NLT]
“Jesus told her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying.”” (John 11:25) [NLT]
• … because of who God is.
“Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised and his greatness is unsearchable.” (Psalm 145:3) [ESV]
“Give thanks to him as you remember how holy he is.” (Psalm 97:12b) [GW]
“I will thank the Lord because he is just.” (Psalm 7:17a) [NLT]
“... I will give you thanks because you are good.(Psalm 54:6) [GNT]
“Tell the Lord how thankful you are, because he is kind and always merciful.” (Psalm 118:1) [CEV]
• … because of what God has done.
“God, I will thank you forever for what you have done.” (Psalm 52:9a) [NCV]
“Let them praise the name of the Lord! For he commanded and they were created.” (Psalm 148:5) [ESV]
“... I will praise you; I will rejoice because you saved me.” (Psalm 9:14b) [NCV]
“I praise the Lord for answering my prayers ...” (Psalm 118:21a) [CEV]
“I praise you, Lord, for being my guide ...” (Psalm 16:7a) [CEV]
• …because of what God has promised.
“Then I will praise you with music on the harp, because you are faithful to your promises” (Psalm 71:22a) [NLT]
“Jesus told her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying.”” (John 11:25) [NLT]
How Can I Show God My Thanks?
• By singing from my heart. - “Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving …” (Psalm 147:7a) [ESV]
• By giving thanks with my lips.
“Give thanks to the Lord and pray to him.” (Psalm 105:1a) [NCV]
• By spreading the Good News.
“Thank the Lord! Praise his name! Tell the world about his wondrous love.” (Isaiah 12:4) [TLB]
• By giving back to God.
“Give an offering to show thanks to God. Give God Most High what you have promised. (Psalm 50:14) [NCV]
• By serving Him with the abilities He gave me.
“... let us please God by serving him with thankful hearts …” (Hebrews 12:28b) [TLB]
• By living each day as a thank you gift to God.
“And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” (Colossians 3:17) [ESV]
• By singing from my heart. - “Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving …” (Psalm 147:7a) [ESV]
• By giving thanks with my lips.
“Give thanks to the Lord and pray to him.” (Psalm 105:1a) [NCV]
• By spreading the Good News.
“Thank the Lord! Praise his name! Tell the world about his wondrous love.” (Isaiah 12:4) [TLB]
• By giving back to God.
“Give an offering to show thanks to God. Give God Most High what you have promised. (Psalm 50:14) [NCV]
• By serving Him with the abilities He gave me.
“... let us please God by serving him with thankful hearts …” (Hebrews 12:28b) [TLB]
• By living each day as a thank you gift to God.
“And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” (Colossians 3:17) [ESV]
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