The Bridge Church

Joseph: Living The Dream - Week 2
November 13, 2022
Locations & Times
Englewood SKY Academy
871 S River Rd, Englewood, FL 34223, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
1. God’s dream for your life includes adversity
2. God’s dream for your life includes detours
3. God’s dream for your life includes character development
We can trust God in the detours of our lives because He is with us.
I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time
I need to be baptized
I need to attend Starting Point
I need to join a small group
I need to join a serve team
I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time
I need to be baptized
I need to attend Starting Point
I need to join a small group
I need to join a serve team
Dig Deeper:
1. Have you ever had to take a detour on a road trip? What was the outcome?
2. Have you ever desired for a less challenging life? Why is adversity a constant in life? Why isn’t life easier?
3. Read Genesis 37:12-14. Why do you think Jacob sends Joseph to check on his brothers?
4. Read Genesis 37:15-16. Joseph is found wandering in the field, looking for his brothers. Are you, or someone you know, a daydreamer like Joseph? What are the benefits to daydreaming? What are some disadvantages?
5. Read Genesis 37:18-20. How had all that resentment the brothers felt toward Joseph built up over time? What could they have done to avoid the resentment?
6. Read Genesis 37:21-22. Have you ever met someone who reacts like Reuben? Someone who appears to want to help but just doesn’t want to be involved or take the blame. How are his actions, or lack thereof, making the situation worse?
7. Read Genesis 37:23-24. Why is it important that they “stripped off Joseph’s robe”? What do you think that meant to the brothers? What do you think that meant to Joseph?
8. “No one ever feels the pleasure of self-righteousness with such lip-smacking satisfaction as a person chewing on his own hate.” - Lewis Smedes. How do hatred and self-righteousness go together (and how do they help one another)?
9. Have you ever experienced a detour or a roadblock in life? If so, did it make you question what you were doing or why you were experiencing it?
10. Read Genesis 37:25-27. How do the brothers justify their greed?
11. Read Genesis 37:29-31. What is the significance of Reuben not being present when they decide to sell Joseph? Do you think he would have agreed with his brothers?
12. Read Genesis 37:32. Jacob’s sons ask him to identify the robe instead of saying it is Joseph’s robe. How does asking Jacob to identify the robe play a part in the story? Why wouldn’t they just go ahead with their lie by directly saying that it was Joseph’s robe (and that he was killed)?
13. Describe some of the emotions Joseph must feel when he is traveling down to Egypt as a slave. Have you ever felt similar emotions in your life?
14. God’s ultimate purpose in our life is to make us more like His son Jesus Christ. How does knowing that God uses adversity, detours, and challenges in life to grow us change your perspective when life is difficult?
15. Read Genesis 39:1-2. How does knowing God is always with us change your outlook during difficulty?
16. Describe a time in your life when God used a difficult situation to prepare you for what He had next for you.
Live It Out:
Don’t miss that even with broken hearts and dysfunctional families…remember the important phrase in Joseph’s story, “The Lord was with him.” God is with you…spend time in His presence this week as you consider how this story relates to your story.
God’s dream for your life includes adversity. Have you forgiven those who have hurt you? When we remain bitter against hurtful people, it only hurts us. Choose to forgive and release those who have hurt you to God. Spend time with God this week, praying for healing, so that you can move forward with God’s continued dream and purpose for your life.
God’s dream for your life includes detours. Are you in a detour right now? His detours are not denials of His love and grace. Spend time with God this week, finding ways to thank Him for the detour you are experiencing. Identify how God is showing you love and grace along the way. Pray for strength and guidance as you continue to walk out your faith in the detour.
God’s dream for your life includes character development. God often leads us to challenges so we can become more like Him. How is God developing your character right now? Write down some ways you feel you have grown over the past year, and identify how God has led you through that growth. Thank Him for loving you so much that He wants to grow you to become more like Jesus.
Reading Plan:
Monday: Genesis 37:12-36
Tuesday: Genesis 39:2-5, 42:21
Wednesday: Romans 5:3-5
Thursday: Psalm 121
Friday: Colossians 1:15-20
Saturday: Matthew 5:43-45
1. Have you ever had to take a detour on a road trip? What was the outcome?
2. Have you ever desired for a less challenging life? Why is adversity a constant in life? Why isn’t life easier?
3. Read Genesis 37:12-14. Why do you think Jacob sends Joseph to check on his brothers?
4. Read Genesis 37:15-16. Joseph is found wandering in the field, looking for his brothers. Are you, or someone you know, a daydreamer like Joseph? What are the benefits to daydreaming? What are some disadvantages?
5. Read Genesis 37:18-20. How had all that resentment the brothers felt toward Joseph built up over time? What could they have done to avoid the resentment?
6. Read Genesis 37:21-22. Have you ever met someone who reacts like Reuben? Someone who appears to want to help but just doesn’t want to be involved or take the blame. How are his actions, or lack thereof, making the situation worse?
7. Read Genesis 37:23-24. Why is it important that they “stripped off Joseph’s robe”? What do you think that meant to the brothers? What do you think that meant to Joseph?
8. “No one ever feels the pleasure of self-righteousness with such lip-smacking satisfaction as a person chewing on his own hate.” - Lewis Smedes. How do hatred and self-righteousness go together (and how do they help one another)?
9. Have you ever experienced a detour or a roadblock in life? If so, did it make you question what you were doing or why you were experiencing it?
10. Read Genesis 37:25-27. How do the brothers justify their greed?
11. Read Genesis 37:29-31. What is the significance of Reuben not being present when they decide to sell Joseph? Do you think he would have agreed with his brothers?
12. Read Genesis 37:32. Jacob’s sons ask him to identify the robe instead of saying it is Joseph’s robe. How does asking Jacob to identify the robe play a part in the story? Why wouldn’t they just go ahead with their lie by directly saying that it was Joseph’s robe (and that he was killed)?
13. Describe some of the emotions Joseph must feel when he is traveling down to Egypt as a slave. Have you ever felt similar emotions in your life?
14. God’s ultimate purpose in our life is to make us more like His son Jesus Christ. How does knowing that God uses adversity, detours, and challenges in life to grow us change your perspective when life is difficult?
15. Read Genesis 39:1-2. How does knowing God is always with us change your outlook during difficulty?
16. Describe a time in your life when God used a difficult situation to prepare you for what He had next for you.
Live It Out:
Don’t miss that even with broken hearts and dysfunctional families…remember the important phrase in Joseph’s story, “The Lord was with him.” God is with you…spend time in His presence this week as you consider how this story relates to your story.
God’s dream for your life includes adversity. Have you forgiven those who have hurt you? When we remain bitter against hurtful people, it only hurts us. Choose to forgive and release those who have hurt you to God. Spend time with God this week, praying for healing, so that you can move forward with God’s continued dream and purpose for your life.
God’s dream for your life includes detours. Are you in a detour right now? His detours are not denials of His love and grace. Spend time with God this week, finding ways to thank Him for the detour you are experiencing. Identify how God is showing you love and grace along the way. Pray for strength and guidance as you continue to walk out your faith in the detour.
God’s dream for your life includes character development. God often leads us to challenges so we can become more like Him. How is God developing your character right now? Write down some ways you feel you have grown over the past year, and identify how God has led you through that growth. Thank Him for loving you so much that He wants to grow you to become more like Jesus.
Reading Plan:
Monday: Genesis 37:12-36
Tuesday: Genesis 39:2-5, 42:21
Wednesday: Romans 5:3-5
Thursday: Psalm 121
Friday: Colossians 1:15-20
Saturday: Matthew 5:43-45