Church of the Nazarene - Harrisonburg

What We Believe (2)
"Christian theology teaches the doctrine of prevenient grace, which, briefly stated, means that before a man can seek God, God must have first sought the man." A.W. Tozer, The Pursuit of God
Locations & Times
Church of the Nazarene - Harrisonburg
1871 Boyers Rd, Harrisonburg, VA 22801, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
Over the next few weeks as a church we are going to explore what we believe, a few of the key doctrines and concepts of scripture, that shape our life individually as well as our life together as the Church.
Together we want to get a clearer picture of the nature of our faith as the Church of the Nazarene, not just to gain knowledge, but to value the freedom and joy found in living out the way of Jesus of Nazareth.
Welcome to our series “What We Believe”
Today we are looking at:
Together we want to get a clearer picture of the nature of our faith as the Church of the Nazarene, not just to gain knowledge, but to value the freedom and joy found in living out the way of Jesus of Nazareth.
Welcome to our series “What We Believe”
Today we are looking at:
This belief based upon the Scriptures sets Christianity apart from other world religions.
Christianity = God has moved first towards us, longing for our response
World Religions = We must move first towards god (the gods) + hopefully they will respond in a gracious way
Christianity = God has moved first towards us, longing for our response
World Religions = We must move first towards god (the gods) + hopefully they will respond in a gracious way
Gods Riches At Christ Expense
Gods Riches At Christ Expense
John Arnold
“Wesleyans are utterly pessimistic about human nature and outrageously optimistic about God’s grace. We must never confuse the two. Optimism about grace is not optimism about man. Without God’s grace, we are helpless to make any move towards God. Any desire or ability to do what is right comes from God as a free gift. From beginning to end, the Wesleyan watchword is grace, grace, grace. Nothing is man-centered. God gets all the glory for our salvation.”
“Wesleyans are utterly pessimistic about human nature and outrageously optimistic about God’s grace. We must never confuse the two. Optimism about grace is not optimism about man. Without God’s grace, we are helpless to make any move towards God. Any desire or ability to do what is right comes from God as a free gift. From beginning to end, the Wesleyan watchword is grace, grace, grace. Nothing is man-centered. God gets all the glory for our salvation.”
By grace you are saved, through faith.
Because God sought you first.
Because God sought you first.
“Remember, that God is not the God of uniformity, though he is of union and peace. He may lead you at once into joy and peace, as Nathanael, who said as soon as he saw Christ, “Rabbi, thou art the Son of God; thou art the King of Israel.” God may, and doubtless has been blessing you through his grace from your birth; but he needs not to plunge you many days in the cold, dark waters of conviction, to wash away your sin: the blood of Christ at once can cleanse from all sin, if you confide your soul to him. Believe, therefore, and you are at once justified and at peace with God.”
“Remember, that God is not the God of uniformity, though he is of union and peace. He may lead you at once into joy and peace, as Nathanael, who said as soon as he saw Christ, “Rabbi, thou art the Son of God; thou art the King of Israel.” God may, and doubtless has been blessing you through his grace from your birth; but he needs not to plunge you many days in the cold, dark waters of conviction, to wash away your sin: the blood of Christ at once can cleanse from all sin, if you confide your soul to him. Believe, therefore, and you are at once justified and at peace with God.”
Titus 3:4-7
John 6:44
2 Peter 3:9
John 1:9
John 12:32
Titus 2:11
John 6:44
2 Peter 3:9
John 1:9
John 12:32
Titus 2:11
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