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Momentum Church

Master Mind

Master Mind, Part 3 || Pastor Ross Wiseman

Locations & Times

Momentum Church

659 Arnold Mill Rd, Woodstock, GA 30188, USA

Sunday 9:15 AM

Sunday 10:45 AM

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy focuses on bringing about change through the process of:
Intention , Repetition, Outcome

In these three sentences Paul moves from:
-Thought/Intention(“think about these things”) to
-Action/Repetition (“practice these things”) to
-Experience/Outcome (“the God of peace will be with you”)


When Paul says THINK I believe that there are two things that are inferred:

#1 You have the Power to Choose
You have to be intentional with what you are focusing your thoughts on.

#2 You have Options
The option isn't think or not to think. The option is what will you choose to think upon.

We have in every moment the opportunity to think upon the TRUTH over our lives or the LIE over our lives.

What you think about eventually will be what you practice.
We don’t stop bad behavior by stopping bad behavior we stop bad behavior by stopping bad thinking before it becomes a practice.

Reframing is a tool that can catch behavior between thought and practice.

“Reframing” is a technique used to identify automatic thoughts and replace them with more balanced/biblical thoughts.
4-step process for Reframing:
Identify the problem.
Ask probing questions.
Pinpoint the lie.
Replace the Lie with Truth.

1. Identify the problem.
What am I doing?
When did this start?
What am I afraid of?
Is there a certain trigger that prompts this behavior?
If so, why do I often spend or act so compulsively?

2. Ask probing questions.
Why am I doing this?
What is driving my behavior?
How does this make me feel?
Is fear driving this?
Does when I do this help me understand why I do it?
What is different about this habit or action than others I have been able to quit?
Why do I insist on being in control when I know, deep down, I’m not?

3. Pinpoint the lie.
What need do I feel this is meeting?
Why do I feel this way?
What is the real need I’m trying to meet with this wrong thinking?

4. Replace the lie with truth.
Reframing happens when you take that exposed lie and replace it with truth.

Think about what you think about?

What is the rut that has caused you to feel stuck in?

What is the lie at the root of those thoughts that has created that rut?

What is the truth that needs to be thought on and how do we reframe what we've experi-enced based on that truth?

What is your desired outcome/experience that will result from practicing this truth over the lie that has kept you stuck?

Ways that we can continue to replace the lies and walk in reframing:
-Be in Community
-Serving others.
-Continued counseling or education
-Power of God’s Presence (Prayer & Worship)

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