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Grace Community Church

Why?  #8 - Why Does God Send People to Hell?

Why? #8 - Why Does God Send People to Hell?

Answers to questions we have often asked about God, the Church, and a walk of faith.

Locations & Times

Grace Community Church

8950 M-79, Nashville, MI 49073, USA

Sunday 10:00 AM

Our Fall series, WHY?, is answering some of the questions people often think or ask as they consider the Bible and the Christian faith.

Today we are looking at a question that stirs up great levels of emotion; for both unbelievers and believers alike.

Why does God send people to Hell?
That question may be asked in many forms so we have to really listen to what a person is saying.
We must also remember that there is always an underlying motive and often a question like this is based upon some faulty assumptions or basic misunderstanding.
In this case, those revolve around the nature of God, the nature of man, and the nature of sin.
As we look at this week's question, we need to carefully look at the words and phrases, clearly understand what the Bible teaches about each, and then communicate God's truth in a way that is helpful and compassionate.

Colossians 4:5-6
A. What is meant by Hell?

A very sobering definition would be, "Hell is where those who reject the Lordship of Jesus Christ will experience the conscious wrath and justice of God and remain separated from Him and all that is good throughout eternity."

According to the Bible, Hell is a real place and the purpose for it is given by Jesus in Matthew 25:41b.
The definition of Hell that was presented is clearly seen toward the end of the Bible in Revelation 20:11-15.
We have talked about the Biblical doctrine of Hell in other messages and PD would be glad to talk to you about this to answer any questions you might have as well as share any previous messages on the topic.
There are also several web links below that provide a lot of information about the reality of Hell.
Our purpose today is to deal with the WHY, and the idea of whether God sends anyone to Hell and not just the minutiae of the doctrinal details.
B. What kind of God would do such a thing?

God has revealed Himself to us using 4 key characteristics or qualities in countless ways over the duration of humanity.
These qualities are:
God is Holy, All-Knowing, Loving, and Just.
1. Holy means God is separate from and stands alone and above all that is created.
Psalm 18:30a; 1 John 1:5; Romans 3:23; Romans 6:23a; Ezekiel 18:20a
2. All-Knowing means God has all knowledge, is aware of all, and is infinitely wise, discerning, and functions as a judge who knows what’s
going on.
Psalm 7:11a
3. Loving means God is totally committed to us, has our best interests at heart, and will do everything within His nature to reconcile us to a right relationship with Him.
Genesis 3
When it comes down to it, if a person desires to be separated from God for eternity, God will grant that desire. Love cannot be forced!
4. Just means God will uphold His standards fairly and completely in accordance with His nature and man’s choices.
John 3:16-18
In the question we are looking at, the word "send" denotes an action only on the part of the sender. However, this understanding of the word "send" cannot be applied to the question at hand because God has given human beings freedom to participate in their life choices and eternal destination.

A better wording might be, "Why do people choose to go to Hell?"
John 3:19.

Grace Church Website

CJ's Coffee Shop Pre-Order Link

The Greenhouse Project Classes

Visit the website to find out what classes are coming up. You can sign-up and pay there as well. Contact Lisa Sterkenburg if you have any questions (

H.O.M.E. Groups at Grace Church

Find a group for you and sign-up at this link!

Trunk or Treat Sign-Up

Trunk or Treat will be held on October 31st from 5:30-7:00 pm in the Highpoint Bank parking lot in downtown Nashville. If you would like to sign-up to have a trunk, use the form link below. Contact Jacki Van De Moortel if you have questions (

Church Work Days

Our Fall work days take place each Saturday during the month of October. Join us from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm or whatever time you can give.
If you can help and have the following items, please bring them:
-wheel barrow
-work gloves

Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child boxes are available in the lobby by the Missions wall. Filled boxes are due back to the church no later than October 30th. Learn more about how you can share the Gospel with children all over the world at the link below.

Here's Grace Class

If you haven't taken the Here's Grace class that is offered at Grace Church, here is your chance! This class will take place on Sunday mornings from 9:00-9:45 am beginning October 30th through November 27th with Aaron Smith. Here's Grace will give you the basics of what Grace Church is all about. It's one of the classes required for church membership. Sign-up at the link below.
Birthdays and Anniversaries!

Saturday, October 22nd - Melissa Mater, Eli Nelson
Monday, October 24th - Aaron Walker, DoraLee Sanchez
Tuesday, October 25th - Dayton & Sara Walker
Wednesday, October 26th - Ethan Binkowski
Friday, October 28th - Becky Wilson

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