Crossview Church

David and Goliath
Chris Putney | 1 Samuel 17
Locations & Times
Crossview Church
1000 E Riverview Expy, Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494, USA
Sunday 8:45 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
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Live Stream, Service Replays, Sermons, Facebook Live, YouTube 1 - Saul and the Israelites are cowards (vv. 1-24)
CLICK HERE for FULL TEXT - 1 Samuel 17:1-24
Summary: The Philistine army is positioned in opposition to Israel's army which includes king Saul and David's brothers. The giant Philistine champion Goliath taunts and challenges them, but they are terrified to face him. 2 - David trusts God and deeply desires His glory (vv. 25-37)
Observation 3 - God uses David to slay Goliath (vv. 38-51)
CLICK HERE for FULL TEXT - 1 Samuel 17:38-51
Summary: David goes out to fight Goliath, says that he comes against Goliath in the name of the Lord, and God works through David to take Goliath down with one stone launched from a sling. Goliath is finished off and the Philistine army flees. would I want my kids to learn from David and Goliath?
NOT ”Be like David and slay your giants”
• We can be confident that God will be faithful to us today because He has been in the past
• God uses the humble
• When we think of David and Goliath we should think of Jesus
• God uses the humble
• When we think of David and Goliath we should think of Jesus
What would I tell my kids and you about David and Goliath?
• God is faithful
• God uses the humble
• David points to a better king, a better conqueror, a better savior – our King Jesus
• God is faithful
• God uses the humble
• David points to a better king, a better conqueror, a better savior – our King Jesus
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