First UMC

Downtown Worship, October 23, 2022
Being Counselors And Not The Judge
Locations & Times
First United Methodist Church of Lexington - Downtown
200 W High St, Lexington, KY 40507, USA
Sunday 8:30 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
Three reasons we are not to judge:
1. Save ourselves from judgment (Matthew 7v1-2 and Matthew 5v7).
2. Not our job. It wasn’t even Jesus’ job/role (John 8v14-16).
3. Incapable (Matthew 7v3-4) and (Romans 2v1-3).
But…are we not to hold to truth and the common good? How are we to act when something is,not aligned with God’s perfect will such as murder, adultery, lying, stealing, cheating. Matthew 7v1 holds the key.
We are asked to surrender the judgment of condemnation (i.e., snatching from God the verdict of the Last Judgment, Bonnard, 96). We are not asked to surrender the judgment of discsernment. We are not to make final judgments on anyone, nor to speak assuredly of people’s real character, nor to pretend we know God’s verdict on other people’s lives. -F.D. Bruner, Matthew: A Commentary: The Christbook, Matthew 1–12.
What if instead of judges we see ourselves as attorneys, counselors, and advocates?
A. Not judges or the jury but officers of the court.
B. Knowledgeable in the law and the ways of the court.
C. Help others when called upon.
Discern in a way that moves forward the relationship and not severs it.
Judge not—any man without full, clear, certain knowledge, without absolute necessity, without tender love. John Wesley.Explanatory Notes upon the New Testament.
Put the best interpretation on … actions [that] seem doubtful with what mind they were done. Augustine: C.A., 265.
1. Save ourselves from judgment (Matthew 7v1-2 and Matthew 5v7).
2. Not our job. It wasn’t even Jesus’ job/role (John 8v14-16).
3. Incapable (Matthew 7v3-4) and (Romans 2v1-3).
But…are we not to hold to truth and the common good? How are we to act when something is,not aligned with God’s perfect will such as murder, adultery, lying, stealing, cheating. Matthew 7v1 holds the key.
We are asked to surrender the judgment of condemnation (i.e., snatching from God the verdict of the Last Judgment, Bonnard, 96). We are not asked to surrender the judgment of discsernment. We are not to make final judgments on anyone, nor to speak assuredly of people’s real character, nor to pretend we know God’s verdict on other people’s lives. -F.D. Bruner, Matthew: A Commentary: The Christbook, Matthew 1–12.
What if instead of judges we see ourselves as attorneys, counselors, and advocates?
A. Not judges or the jury but officers of the court.
B. Knowledgeable in the law and the ways of the court.
C. Help others when called upon.
Discern in a way that moves forward the relationship and not severs it.
Judge not—any man without full, clear, certain knowledge, without absolute necessity, without tender love. John Wesley.Explanatory Notes upon the New Testament.
Put the best interpretation on … actions [that] seem doubtful with what mind they were done. Augustine: C.A., 265.
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