Central Community Church

So Much More
Pastor Justin Mohr
Locations & Times
Central Community Church
6100 W Maple St, Wichita, KS 67209, USA
Sunday 8:45 AM
Sunday 10:45 AM
Opportunities to share prayer requests: Share prayer requests and praises at prayer@centralcommunity.church
Giving Options
Please use the link below to setup your new one-time and/or recurring gifts. You can also text give to 316-330-3535. We thank you for your generosity to the mission of Central Community Church.
http://centralcommunity.church/giveCheck-In Card
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https://bit.ly/checkinCCCSermon Notes
Are you a grace giver or truth teller?
Grace is God’s free and unmerited favor for sinful humanity.
The humility that comes from remembering who you once were should create a desire to extend grace to others.
You were saved by grace! Faith is your response to that grace!
God uses grace to break down barriers!
God uses grace to break down barriers!
We are asked to steward God’s grace.
“(Grace is) given to those who don’t deserve it, barely recognize it, and hardly appreciate it.” -Charles Spurgeon
We see the truth of the gospel…the gift, the giver, the ask and the reward.
Drink often or drink once?
Let your interactions be full of grace!
Know Christ and make Him known!
Watch/Listen Online
Central Community's teaching is available online. Click the link to go to our website. The weekly sermon can also be found on your favorite podcast app by searching for Central Community Church.