Hillside Missionary Church

10/9/22 Worship Gathering
Whether you’re a guest or a long-time attendee we’re glad you’re here with us. We’re a friendly and caring group of Christians who are here to help people be CONNECTED with Jesus, CHANGED by Jesus, and COMMITTED to the mission of Jesus. If you're new with us today, thank for joining us! We truly believe that you’re not here by accident and that God has some amazing plans for your life.
Locations & Times
21567 Ireland Rd, South Bend, IN 46614, USA
Sunday 10:45 AM
Guest Information Card
If you’d like some information about who we are and how to get plugged in here at Hillside, please fill out the “I’m New” page on our website
https://hmcworship.com/im-new/In this passage of God’s Word, we see Joshua at the end of his life, addressing the leaders of Israel. In this last address, Joshua pleads with the leaders to keep Israel faithful to God. By taking a look at the portion of God’s Word, we too can learn how we can remain faithful.
1. Reminisce on God’s faithfulness, so you can live a holy life
Josh. 23:1-10, Eph. 2:8-9, Heb. 4:14
2. Remember not to add to, or subtract from God’s Word
Josh. 23:6, Rev. 22:18-19, Prov 30:5-6, Deut. 12:32, Matt. 5:18, Jer. 17:9-10
3. Realize the consequences
Josh. 23:11-16, Gal. 6:7-8, Heb. 12:11, Prov. 29:15
1. Reminisce on God’s faithfulness, so you can live a holy life
Josh. 23:1-10, Eph. 2:8-9, Heb. 4:14
2. Remember not to add to, or subtract from God’s Word
Josh. 23:6, Rev. 22:18-19, Prov 30:5-6, Deut. 12:32, Matt. 5:18, Jer. 17:9-10
3. Realize the consequences
Josh. 23:11-16, Gal. 6:7-8, Heb. 12:11, Prov. 29:15
Reflection Questions
1. Read Joshua 23:1-10. Joshua recounts what God did for the Israelites to get them into the promised land, and because of what God has done, then points to the Israelites to remain faithful. Take some time and recount what the Lord has done for you, and list it in the space below.
2. Looking at your answers from question #1, which ones are the most powerful for you to remember, in order that you might remain faithful to the Lord in the future?
3. Keeping in mind your answer from question #2, what practical way(s) can you remember what God has done, particularly how you answered question #2, in order that you will remain faithful to God? An example of this might be writing your answer from question #2 on a note card and putting it on your mirror or in your car so you see it everyday.
4. Keeping in mind your answers from above, what would the consequence be if you don’t remain faithful in the future?
5. What is your biggest take away about how this passage affects your life? What do you need to work on? Who can you share this with and ask you to keep you accountable to accomplishing this?
1. Read Joshua 23:1-10. Joshua recounts what God did for the Israelites to get them into the promised land, and because of what God has done, then points to the Israelites to remain faithful. Take some time and recount what the Lord has done for you, and list it in the space below.
2. Looking at your answers from question #1, which ones are the most powerful for you to remember, in order that you might remain faithful to the Lord in the future?
3. Keeping in mind your answer from question #2, what practical way(s) can you remember what God has done, particularly how you answered question #2, in order that you will remain faithful to God? An example of this might be writing your answer from question #2 on a note card and putting it on your mirror or in your car so you see it everyday.
4. Keeping in mind your answers from above, what would the consequence be if you don’t remain faithful in the future?
5. What is your biggest take away about how this passage affects your life? What do you need to work on? Who can you share this with and ask you to keep you accountable to accomplishing this?
Current Prayer Requests
CHURCH FAMILY NEEDS:Pray for Jerry Jamrozy, who has bone cancer. Pray for Sam, who is recovering. Pray for Patty and Calvin Ewing who recently lost their 8 year-old nephew.
MISSIONARIES: This month pray for the Hubleys.
FAMILY OF THE WEEK: Each week we’ll pray for a different family in our church. This week pray for Dylan.
HILLSIDE HAPPENINGS: Pray that the church would continue to stay unified under Christ. Pray for our livestream and for the people joining us there. Pray that God would use us to bring His Kingdom here. Pray for our children’s ministry as it is getting built back up.
Pray for Casa Del Alfarero, the Spanish-speaking Missionary Church 5 minutes from our building.
CURRENT HAPPENINGS: Pray for students, teachers, and other school staff members going back to school for the year.Pray for the war in Ukraine. Pray for Florida and the destruction from Hurricane Ian.
MISSIONARIES: This month pray for the Hubleys.
FAMILY OF THE WEEK: Each week we’ll pray for a different family in our church. This week pray for Dylan.
HILLSIDE HAPPENINGS: Pray that the church would continue to stay unified under Christ. Pray for our livestream and for the people joining us there. Pray that God would use us to bring His Kingdom here. Pray for our children’s ministry as it is getting built back up.
Pray for Casa Del Alfarero, the Spanish-speaking Missionary Church 5 minutes from our building.
CURRENT HAPPENINGS: Pray for students, teachers, and other school staff members going back to school for the year.Pray for the war in Ukraine. Pray for Florida and the destruction from Hurricane Ian.
In-person on 10/2/22: 47
Online views (through 10/2): 3
Online (9/26/22-10/2/22): $155 for general
In-Person on 10/2/22: $1182 general, $200 missions, $500 outreach
Total general needed weekly to meet budget: $1480
In-person on 10/2/22: 47
Online views (through 10/2): 3
Online (9/26/22-10/2/22): $155 for general
In-Person on 10/2/22: $1182 general, $200 missions, $500 outreach
Total general needed weekly to meet budget: $1480
The Foster Closet
The foster closet is looking for a few volunteers that can spare two hours one Saturday a month for their open shop hours. This will be going on for the next 3 to 4 months. For more information, see April Rollf.
Student Ministries
A student ministry group has started meeting on every other Wednesday evening from 7pm-8:30pm in the gym. This group is for grades 6th-12th. Please contact Pastor Josh with any questions.
Small groups will start again for the fall in early September. We encourage everyone to be involved in a small group, as we think they’re a great way to grow in your faith. A sign-up sheet is at the welcome counter. Please contact Pastor Josh if you are interested.
Email List
If you do not receive our weekly emails, announcements, and prayer requests, please join our email list! You can do so by going to hmcworship.com/im-new
Trunk or Treat
Our 2nd annual trunk or treat event is happening on October 21st from 6pm-7:30pm. Please consider decorating your trunk or providing candy. The sign-up sheet is available on the welcome counter. Also, postcards are available to spread the word!
Operation Christmas Child
It is Operation Christmas Child time once again! OCC is an organization that sends shoeboxes filled with necessities, toys, and the gospel message to those children around the world who may not otherwise receive a gift or hear the gospel message. Please consider filling a shoe box this year. There is a table set up by the welcome center where you can pick up a shoebox to fill, an idea sheet of what to put in your box, and spiritual impact stories. You can also see an example box of what the children filled during our VBS month.
Pray for the Ukraine
Our denomination, the Missionary Church, has set a prayer guide to pray for the Ukraine.
https://www.mcusa.org/pray-for-ukraine/Ukraine Relief Project
Our denomination, the Missionary Church, has set a relief project fund for the Ukraine. The funds for this project will be used to provide crisis relief for those caught up in the turmoil in and near Ukraine.