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Church Requel

The Divine Paternity Case

The Divine Paternity Case

We continue our sermon series from the Gospel of John. Today we learn that we Christians are born of God - He is our Father. As such we have a rights and privileges as children of God.

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Church Requel

2 Marion Ave, Mansfield, OH 44903, USA

Sunday 11:00 AM

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Child of God

Child of God
The Divine Paternity Case - John 1:12-13

Our news is often filled with celebrity paternity cases. Eddie Murphy. Keanu Reeves. Chris Rock. Justin Bieber. Jude Law. Steve Jobs. Even one of our first presidents, Thomas Jefferson, has been the subject of paternity speculation and DNA testing as to whether or not his slave, Sally Hemings had children by him or not. These paternity cases are usually the result of children or their mothers trying to prove that some man is their father and forcing their rights as children onto the father. Rarely does a father want to prove that a child belongs to him.

The most famous paternity case of all is one you may not have ever thought of that way - but it is the Divine Paternity Case in which God Himself wants to prove that we are His children AND that we have DIVINE PATERNITY RIGHTS. In a society filled with fighting over rights, it is amazing that the greatest right of all - the right to be the children of God - is rarely even thought about. Yet this is where the disciple John goes almost immediately in his Gospel of John.

”Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name,
he gave the right to become children of God - children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.” John 1:12-13

Today we want to talk about THREE AMAZING DEVELOPMENTS: #1 - that there are children born of God, #2 - that these children born of God possess the rights of God’s children, and #3 - that these children of God can know for sure they are God’s children. Let’s consider each of these three amazing developments.

#1 - There are children ___BORN OF GOD___.

“ children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.” John 1:13

We will discover in a few weeks when we come to the sermon on The Midnight Theologian from John 3 that Jesus teaches about a new birth, a “birth from above”, about being “born again.” But John the Disciple just can’t wait to talk about it. One has the feeling that this is foremost on his mind every time he preaches - about being “born of God.” John wants to be crystal clear so that there is no doubt about what he’s talking about and so he sets up three negative statements:

#A - NOT born of blood - We are NOT talking about natural conception here. Just to reiterate…

#B - NOT born of the will of the flesh - This is NOT the result of any physical impulse. And again, just to reiterate…

#C - NOT born of the will of man. This wasn’t a decision made by a mother or father. Not talking about a natural birth.

Rather we are talking about a birth of a child of God. Someone born of God. This is, a divine and supernatural birth. Someone who is spiritually transformed, renewed and sanctified - set apart for the family of God.

John begins his Gospel with this most remarkable new development as a result of the Word becoming flesh. Yes - it’s wonderful and remarkable that God came to the Earth in the form of a man. Yes - we love the story of the Incarnation. But what does it mean to me? Does it make a difference in my life? What is the significance to me? John’s answer: now there is such a thing as children born of God!

#2 - These children born of God ___POSSESS THE RIGHTS___ of God’s children.

“He gave the right to become children of God.” John 1:12b

This is a very important part of this amazing development. People throughout history have understood that the King can have two kinds of children - legitimate and illegitimate. Legitimate children come from royalty and these children are entitled to all the rights of royalty. Illegitimate children are hushed up and put away and ignored and are not entitled to anything. So what about these new children born of God?

These children born of God have the right to be the children of God and as such are entitled to all the rights and privileges that come with the title, “children of God.” This is truly amazing! Much of the New Testament is devoted to explaining our Bill of Divine Rights as the new children of God. Do you know them?

Here are a seven…

First - We have the divine right to participate in God’s __ LIFE___.

“Everyone who believe in Him [God’s Son] may have eternal life.”
John 3:15

This is not receiving a “ticket to heaven” after we die. Rather this is having the divine, uncreated life of God dispensed into our human spirit to regenerate our lives and our spirits right now!

Second - We have the divine right to participate in God’s _ _NATURE__.

“Through [God’s promises] you may participate in the divine nature…”
2 Peter 1:4

God promises to convey His nature to us for our benefit. He promises to take away our natural corruption. He promises that through HIM we become holy as He is holy. (Eph. 1:4, 5:26)

Third - We have the divine right to participate in God’s __ MIND___.

“Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus…” Philippians 2:5

God’s children need their thinking to be saturated with Christ. We have the right to make our mind ONE with His. The divine thought can become our very own thoughts!

Fourth - We have the divine right to participate in God’s ___RICHES___.

“To me … was this grace given to announce to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ as the gospel.” Ephesians 3:8

What did God the Father ever withhold from God the Son? We will learn as we come to John 13 -17 that Jesus promises to give all to his disciples through the Holy Spirit, which you as children receive!

Fifth - We have the divine right to participate in God’s __ IMAGE___.

“Those whom [God] foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son.” Romans 8:29

This is not receiving a “ticket to heaven” after we die. Rather this is having the divine, uncreated life of God dispensed into our human spirit to regenerate our lives and our spirits right now!

Sixth - We have the divine right to participate in God’s __ GLORY___.

“These He also glorified.” Romans 8:30

God‘s desire for every child of God is His glory! He planned this for us in the eternal history and also promises to complete it in us so that we might bear His glory for eternity’s future!

Seventh - We have the divine right to participate in God’s __ WORK___.

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Eph. 2:10

God’s children are also to be about the work of the Father. We inherit His business. We do His work. God can accomplish His work without us, but He grants us the privilege to be about His work!

How super amazing it is that God grants the right to sinful, unholy, not deserving humans the supernatural rights to be the children of God. These rights come not from any other human or even the church, but directly from God Himself! What about you? Do you think it would change the way you go about your life, the way you conduct yourself, the way you think about yourself if you knew these seven rights as children of God. If you knew beyond a shadow of doubt that you had the God-given, Divine right to participate in God’s eternal life, in God’s nature, in God’s mind, in God’s riches, in God’s image, in God’s glory, and even in God’s work… wouldn’t that change you? Encourage you? Empower you? So how can you know for sure you are God’s children?

#3 Children of God ___CAN KNOW FOR SURE___ they are children of God.

”Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, …”
John 1:12a

It is not God’s desire to keep you in the dark about whether or not you are a child of God or not. God doesn’t want you to be doubting or wondering: Am I? Or not? No! The Gospel of John writer clearly lays out two separate and powerful indicators - both are indicators of God’s paternity in your life. 1st - Have I received Jesus? 2nd - Have I believed in Jesus’ name? These are two indicators and we’ll talk about them separately.

1st -Have I received Jesus? To receive Jesus is to welcome Jesus. If you receive someone into your home, you welcome them. I’m glad you’re here. Sit down. Stay. Let’s chat. Can I get anything for you?

2nd -Have I believed in Jesus’ name? What does it mean to “believe in Jesus’ name?” It’s not the literal idea of I agree that the Son of God’s name is Jesus. To believe in someone’s name is to believe in their reputation. To believe in Jesus’ name is that you are putting your faith and trust in Who Jesus is and what Jesus has done. You are placing your faith in these truths: that Jesus was God (The Word) Who became flesh, Who died on the cross for your sins, Who was resurrected on the third day, Who sits at the right hand of God the Father and intercedes for you, and Who sent His Holy Spirit to live with you and guide you each day. This is what it means to believe in Jesus’ name.

Conclusion: So we work our way backwards (in terms of the sermon) and forward (in terms of John the Disciple’s Gospel):

A - If you have received Jesus and have believed in Jesus’ name

Then you are a child of God. No doubt about it!

B - As a child of God, Then you have rights as a child of God. To participate in God’s life, in God’s nature, in God’s mind, in God’s riches, in God’s image, in God’s glory, and in God’s work.

C - This right TO BE A CHILD OF GOD is not granted to you by any human agency or authority (including the church!) It is not even granted by yourself. It is granted by God and God alone (born of God). This is good, because you can depend upon God. God is good. God is faithful. God’s love for you knows no end. It is everlasting. You can be confident.

How do you know for sure? Because A… B… C…

This is the eternal life of the child of God. To live confidently, assuredly as children of God with all the rights and privileges that go with being God’s children.

We began this sermon talking about famous paternity cases. Usually this means children chasing after the father. But in the Divine Paternity Case we have God the Father chasing after you. He wants you to know about His Paternity of you - His child - so much that He sent His Son Jesus to tell you all about it - to PROVE His Paternity! Ultimately you become the jury in the case.

Will you accept the evidence of God’s love for you? Will you (have you) received Jesus? Will you (have you) believed in Jesus’ name? Then you are a child of God - no doubt about it! Amen!