StoneBridge Community Church

Intended for Good: "I Am Your Brother" - Genesis 45:1-15
Senior Pastor Jon Saur
Locations & Times
StoneBridge Community Church
4832 Cochran St, Simi Valley, CA 93063, USA
Saturday 5:15 PM
Sunday 5:20 PM
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Genesis - The Joseph Narrative
Joseph's story picks up in earnest in Genesis chapter 37. What we know initially about Joseph is that he is the son of Jacob, the grandson of Isaac and the great-grandson of Abraham. Joseph has 11 brothers. Each of his brothers is the ancestor of a tribe of Israel.
Joseph's story begins with a dream and the love of his father. We are told that Jacob loves Joseph deeply, even more than he loves Joseph's brothers. Then, Joseph dreams that his brothers will all bow down to him someday and, in his naiveté, shares this dream. As you can imagine, his brothers don't appreciate the dream.
This begins a series of challenges. Joseph is sold into slavery by his brothers. He is falsely accused by his owner's wife. He is thrown in jail and forgotten. But all the while, we are told, God is with him. The dream that God gave Joseph will come true.
Joseph's story is one of challenges, but also one of God's ability to triumph. Working through the events in Joseph's life, God brings about an outcome that blesses multitudes. Though many of the human characters intend harm to Joseph, God has intended good for all and God will prevail. The dream will come true.
Genesis - The Joseph Narrative
Joseph's story picks up in earnest in Genesis chapter 37. What we know initially about Joseph is that he is the son of Jacob, the grandson of Isaac and the great-grandson of Abraham. Joseph has 11 brothers. Each of his brothers is the ancestor of a tribe of Israel.
Joseph's story begins with a dream and the love of his father. We are told that Jacob loves Joseph deeply, even more than he loves Joseph's brothers. Then, Joseph dreams that his brothers will all bow down to him someday and, in his naiveté, shares this dream. As you can imagine, his brothers don't appreciate the dream.
This begins a series of challenges. Joseph is sold into slavery by his brothers. He is falsely accused by his owner's wife. He is thrown in jail and forgotten. But all the while, we are told, God is with him. The dream that God gave Joseph will come true.
Joseph's story is one of challenges, but also one of God's ability to triumph. Working through the events in Joseph's life, God brings about an outcome that blesses multitudes. Though many of the human characters intend harm to Joseph, God has intended good for all and God will prevail. The dream will come true.
The Text in Context
"While it is not the solution to every instance of anger, forgiveness is the answer to much, if not most, of the anger we experience in life. Unresolved anger leads to bitterness, hostility, and revenge. Forgiveness leads to..." Click link to read more. Volf - Exclusion and Embrace
Here is a link to the book Pastor Jon quoted. It has become known as a classic work on reconciliation and thinking about reconciliation and forgiveness theologically.
It is a work of academic theology, though, so be prepared. is a work of academic theology, though, so be prepared.
Sermon Outline
I. Review of Joseph's Story
II. Joseph reveals himself to his brothers
A. What is his response?
B. Forgiveness
III. Forgiveness
A. What is Forgiveness?
B. Why is it important?
1. Mark 2
2. Luke 23
C. Why is it hard? (Volf)
1. Revenge
2. Justice
D. How do we practice it?
IV. Joseph's Forgiveness
A. Trust in God's plan (Dream)
1. Views of providence
2. "Soft Providence"
3. Bigger picture
B. Rest in God's forgiveness
C. View others the way God views them.
1. How Joseph sees his brothers
2. How we can see others
D. Boundaries!
1. Forgiving someone doesn't mean letting them hurt you. (Joseph is in charge.)
2. Putting appropriate boundaries in place doesn't mean you haven't forgiven someone.
V. God forgives us.
I. Review of Joseph's Story
II. Joseph reveals himself to his brothers
A. What is his response?
B. Forgiveness
III. Forgiveness
A. What is Forgiveness?
B. Why is it important?
1. Mark 2
2. Luke 23
C. Why is it hard? (Volf)
1. Revenge
2. Justice
D. How do we practice it?
IV. Joseph's Forgiveness
A. Trust in God's plan (Dream)
1. Views of providence
2. "Soft Providence"
3. Bigger picture
B. Rest in God's forgiveness
C. View others the way God views them.
1. How Joseph sees his brothers
2. How we can see others
D. Boundaries!
1. Forgiving someone doesn't mean letting them hurt you. (Joseph is in charge.)
2. Putting appropriate boundaries in place doesn't mean you haven't forgiven someone.
V. God forgives us.
1) Think of someone you haven't been able to forgive.
2) Pray about this situation with someone you trust who isn't involved in the situation. Then discuss with them what forgiveness might look like. (Get an outside perspective.)
3) Find a way to forgive that person, while still upholding appropriate boundaries.
1) Think of someone you haven't been able to forgive.
2) Pray about this situation with someone you trust who isn't involved in the situation. Then discuss with them what forgiveness might look like. (Get an outside perspective.)
3) Find a way to forgive that person, while still upholding appropriate boundaries.
1) How would you respond, if you were in Joseph's situation?
2) Why do you think Joseph was able to forgive his brothers in this moment?
3) Do you find forgiveness easy to grant? Why or why not?
4) In your opinion, what makes forgiveness difficult for people?
5) What have you found from scripture or from your experience that has made forgiveness easier to practice?
1) How would you respond, if you were in Joseph's situation?
2) Why do you think Joseph was able to forgive his brothers in this moment?
3) Do you find forgiveness easy to grant? Why or why not?
4) In your opinion, what makes forgiveness difficult for people?
5) What have you found from scripture or from your experience that has made forgiveness easier to practice?

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