Parkerville Baptist Church

Living Strong In Confusing Times
Senior Pastor Craig Lydon starts a new 4 part series through the OT book of Haggai. Craig says “The people of Israel had been in exile for many years, and the Persian King had allowed a small group of Jews to return to Israel to commence rebuilding the temple (Ezra 1-6 covers this period). They began so well but opposition and obstacles came that brought discouragement and ultimately a change in their priorities for God’s work. Haggai is a beautiful picture of real people living in a tumultuous period and God’s antidote for reorientating their priorities. It’s said that there is nothing new, just history repeating itself. Read ahead, the book of Haggai is only two chapters long!”
Locations & Times
Parkerville Baptist Church
910 Seaborne St, Parkerville WA 6081, Australia
Sunday 9:30 AM
About Parkerville Baptist Church
Love God, love others, make disciples … that’s the commission Jesus left his followers.
At Parky, it’s our mission to do this by sharing our lives and creating pathways that inspire people to wholeheartedly follow Jesus.
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Ezra chapters 1-6
▪︎ 50,000 people had returned to Jerusalem from exile in Babylon.
▪︎ Returned to Jerusalem with great faith to build the temple.
▪︎ They first rebuilt the altar and resume public worship.
▪︎ Re-layed temple foundation.
▪︎ Experienced opposition from neighbouring people.
▪︎ They must stop rebuilding.
▪︎ What are the fears that you have today?
▪︎What issues has the evil one got you believing?
▪︎What or who do you look to to provide security in your life?