Momentum Church

The Gospel According to John
The Gospel According to John, Chapter 15 || Pastor Tyler Wilkes
Locations & Times
Momentum Church
659 Arnold Mill Rd, Woodstock, GA 30188, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:45 AM
Greek root: diókóTo
put to flight, pursue.
In other words, persecution is a pursuit to scatter.
But why are we persecuted?
If Satan can put enough pressure on us, he thinks he can win.
put to flight, pursue.
In other words, persecution is a pursuit to scatter.
But why are we persecuted?
If Satan can put enough pressure on us, he thinks he can win.
Jesus wasn’t talking about the tribulation; the final test.
Thlibō - to press (as grapes), press hard upon.
Tribulation is pressure.
Thlibō - to press (as grapes), press hard upon.
Tribulation is pressure.
16:33 "In the world you will have PRESSURE. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
Pressure in job, peer pressure, pressure in life, pressure for the quick fix. We all have pressure.
Pressure in job, peer pressure, pressure in life, pressure for the quick fix. We all have pressure.
1. The world uses pressure to conform: ideals, common practices, morals.
No matter what it might be for you, the world tries to use broken pieces to find peace in the pressure.
Because the world is broken and far from God, it hates the things of God.If the systems of the world don’t work, then how can we find peace in the pressure?
2. The Holy Spirit uses pressure to transform.
By convicting us of sin, reminding us that our righteousness is in Christ alone, and testifying that Satan has been defeated and is being judged, Holy Spirit begins to mend the cracks left after the fall.
By convicting us of sin, reminding us that our righteousness is in Christ alone, and testifying that Satan has been defeated and is being judged, Holy Spirit begins to mend the cracks left after the fall.
You cannot escape from the pressure of the world. We should recognize and feel that pressure. But take heart! Through the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross, we can find peace in the pressure.
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