Burleson Church of Christ

Worship (10-2-22)
Join us in Worship at 8:45 AM and 10:45AM in person and streaming online.
Locations & Times
Burleson Church of Christ
1150 NW John Jones Dr, Burleson, TX 76028, USA
Sunday 8:30 AM
Sunday 10:45 AM
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Online Streaming
We are glad you are participating with us online. If you would like to follow the online stream of Worship, click on the link below.
https://burlesoncoc.com/gatherings/live-stream/Below is our Outline for the Sermon. If you would like to follow along and fill in the blanks, you can copy the text by pressing the grey download button in the bottom right corner of the section and hitting copy. Once copied, click Add Notes under the Outline section that you copied. Then paste text in the field to follow along. Enjoy!
"The Resurrection – Our Hallelujah!" - Karl Jones
Intro: What do you do when everything goes wrong? When Jesus was crucified and laid in the tomb, nothing seemed right; everything seemed “more than” terribly wrong.
But His death and tomb were not the end; just as He had promised, the darkness yielded to a brilliant light and the tomb burst open. At that moment, no doubt, all of heaven erupted in praise, shouting HALLELUJAH, HE IS RISEN. And today, His resurrection is our hallelujah as well!
I. The Message of the Resurrection Was a Revolutionary Message
1.For first century people, this life was it. They had no real concept of ______ _________ the ________. Note Acts 17:22-32.
2.This revolutionary message of the resurrection:
A.) Gave _______, and all who accepted this message found new joy.
B.) Gave a reason for __________ because the resurrection is followed by _______________.
C.) Is it any different today? As long as we talk about God’s love for all, everyone is happy and attentive. However, talk about _______ _______________ on ________ _____________ and people dismiss, even “sneer” at this truth!
II. The Resurrection: The Reality of Judgment to Come
1.The resurrection of Jesus is God’s guarantee that ____________ will rise from the dead and hear their sentence for eternity. John 5:28-29
2.The resurrection of Jesus is God’s proof:
A.) ______ is the __________. Romans 1:4
B.) _______ does not ______! 1 Cor. 15:54-57
C.) _____ will stand before God in ___________. 2 Cor. 5:10
3.What will be the standard of God’s final judgment?
A.) Not what you or me or any ________ thinks or feels.
B.) It will be the ______ of _____. John 12:48-49
C.) Thus, ______ you ___________ and _____ you _____ really matters!
III. The Resurrection: Rising to a New Life
1.In Jesus we have God’s promise of a new life, a fresh new start.
A.) This is a new life that begins ______ and _____. 2 Cor. 5:17, Rom. 6:3-5
B.) This is a new life that reaches into and through _____ ___________.
2.We are not “raised up with Christ” to live according to this ________ ______ but to live for the world to come. Col. 3:1-4
3.The resurrection is a wonderful cause for rejoicing and hope. It is also a serious reminder of the need to be ___________ for ___________. _____ _____?
Intro: What do you do when everything goes wrong? When Jesus was crucified and laid in the tomb, nothing seemed right; everything seemed “more than” terribly wrong.
But His death and tomb were not the end; just as He had promised, the darkness yielded to a brilliant light and the tomb burst open. At that moment, no doubt, all of heaven erupted in praise, shouting HALLELUJAH, HE IS RISEN. And today, His resurrection is our hallelujah as well!
I. The Message of the Resurrection Was a Revolutionary Message
1.For first century people, this life was it. They had no real concept of ______ _________ the ________. Note Acts 17:22-32.
2.This revolutionary message of the resurrection:
A.) Gave _______, and all who accepted this message found new joy.
B.) Gave a reason for __________ because the resurrection is followed by _______________.
C.) Is it any different today? As long as we talk about God’s love for all, everyone is happy and attentive. However, talk about _______ _______________ on ________ _____________ and people dismiss, even “sneer” at this truth!
II. The Resurrection: The Reality of Judgment to Come
1.The resurrection of Jesus is God’s guarantee that ____________ will rise from the dead and hear their sentence for eternity. John 5:28-29
2.The resurrection of Jesus is God’s proof:
A.) ______ is the __________. Romans 1:4
B.) _______ does not ______! 1 Cor. 15:54-57
C.) _____ will stand before God in ___________. 2 Cor. 5:10
3.What will be the standard of God’s final judgment?
A.) Not what you or me or any ________ thinks or feels.
B.) It will be the ______ of _____. John 12:48-49
C.) Thus, ______ you ___________ and _____ you _____ really matters!
III. The Resurrection: Rising to a New Life
1.In Jesus we have God’s promise of a new life, a fresh new start.
A.) This is a new life that begins ______ and _____. 2 Cor. 5:17, Rom. 6:3-5
B.) This is a new life that reaches into and through _____ ___________.
2.We are not “raised up with Christ” to live according to this ________ ______ but to live for the world to come. Col. 3:1-4
3.The resurrection is a wonderful cause for rejoicing and hope. It is also a serious reminder of the need to be ___________ for ___________. _____ _____?