Pennsville Baptist Church

Sunday Morning Service
Sunday Morning Service
Locations & Times
Pennsville Baptist Church
3298 Richey Rd, Mt Pleasant, PA 15666, USA
Sunday 9:45 AM
Isaiah 34-35
“With or Without God”
1. Chapters 28-33 attention is directed to events connected with Sennacherib’s invasion of Judah with hints of a final battle and coming Millennial Kingdom. The events of chapters 34-35 engulf the whole world. The Battle of Armageddon is pictured in chapter 34 and the rise of
the Millennial Kingdom in chapter 35. There is coming a war that will end all wars.
2. Imagine walking into a cave that is total darkness then walking outside into brilliant
sunlight. You shade your eyes it is so bright.
3. Are you living with or without God? The contrast is equally as drastic!
4. Isaiah 34-35 sets a stark contrast.
Are you living with or without God?
I. WORLD WIDE PERIL 34 Without God
A. The Destruction 1-10
This is a prophecy for the world. Nations…Peoples…Earth…World. 1 This is a
world without godly influence. God is left out. Of the Lord…3 keys to this period.
1. The Anger of the Lord 2-4 For the indignation of the Lord is upon all
nations…Edom (5), Idumea may mean the present nation of Jordan or nations
of the world. It’s not pleasant when God is against you.
*His fury upon all the armies…utterly destroyed. 2 The military might of the
world is no match for God! You are no match for God!
*Slain…Stench carcasses 3 (Rev. 19:17, 18) When you war against God you
*Verse 4 The coming judgment with cosmic disturbances (Matt. 24:29, 30).
Either meteors (stars fall from heaven) or nuclear war heads are described.
Without God your world will fall apart. Those things that are stable shake!
2. The Armament of the Lord 5-7 The sword of the Lord
*My sword will fall especially on Edom. Edom is Southeast of the Dead Sea…
Today it is Jordan. Which is an Islamic country. Bozrah 7 is 27 miles south of
the Dead Sea. Idumea in some translations is Greek for Edom.
*Verse 6 like sacrificial animals…sacrifice…slaughter. Their land will be
soaked with blood. 7 We speak of a God of love. God is holy, righteous and
just. God will not always strive with man.
3. The Appointment of the Lord 8-10 It is the day of the Lord.
*The Reason 8 For the cause of Israel
*The Result 9,10 Some note volcanic activity and volcanic character is
described. The blighted landscape…a polluted landscape. Leave God out
and life is bleak. It shall be waste forever. The Millennial reign of Christ
will blossom, but not here. It is a testimony to the severity of God. God
may forgive you, but the scare may remain. There are consequences of
living without God.
B. The Desolation 11-15
It’s not what it was…what it could have been…what might have been. Nothing:
1. Note the Certainty Shall
2. Note the Variety Creatures that occupy a once promising and productive site.
It’s a reminder of living without God.
C. The Destination 16-17
The book of the Lord…not one word shall fail. Isaiah’s writing is God’s Word. God’s
Word will stand…it is sure!
Are you living with or without God?
We walk into the sunlight! What happened between ch. 34 and ch. 35? JESUS
A. The Praise In Creation 1,2
1. Its Promise Shall
2. Its Place The very place of desolation 2
3. Its Person they shall see the glory of the Lord…the excellency of our God.
Creation will respond to the presence of the Creator.
B. The Peace In Confusion 3,4
Isaiah addresses the present in light of the future.
1.The present passage is quoted in (Heb. 12:12) Wherefore lift up the hands that hang down…the feeble knees. These believers were subject to intense persecution permitted by God for spiritual training. No chastening for the present seems to be joyous but grievous; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them who are exercised by it. (Heb. 12:11)
2.Let God take care of your enemies. He will come and save you.
C. The Prospect In Consecration 5-7
1. This will literally happen! All the negatives are reversed!
2. This happens to us spiritually. When Jesus comes the negatives are reversed!
D. The Path In Communion 8-10
Highway is a road built on a raised causeway and therefore visible and
unmistakable. This is a ‘highway’ to God: It is pictured in our salvation.
1.The Placement of the Road An highway shall be there. Jesus said, I am the
2.The Purity of the Road It shall be called a way of holiness, the unclean shall
not pass over. We are righteous because He is righteous. He imparts His
righteousness. He imputes righteousness.
3.The Plainness of the Road The wayfaring men, though fools shall not err therein. God’s word is perfectly clear. A genius or child can find the way.
4. The Peacefulness of the Road 9 No lion shall be there, nor ravenous beast.
This is true of the Millennial Kingdom. We are faced with the world, the flesh
and the devil, but we are more than conqueror through Him!
5. The People of the Road 9b-10 The Redeemed…The Ransomed
*The Redeemed This is the first time out of 24 that it’s found in Isaiah. We
recall the Kinsman Redeemer. This was the need of a next of kin who had sold
everything. There must be one willing to pay the redemption price. Jesus paid
the price!
*The Ransomed One who is set free because a price was paid. They sing!
Are you living with or without God?
Come Out of the Dark into the Light!
“With or Without God”
1. Chapters 28-33 attention is directed to events connected with Sennacherib’s invasion of Judah with hints of a final battle and coming Millennial Kingdom. The events of chapters 34-35 engulf the whole world. The Battle of Armageddon is pictured in chapter 34 and the rise of
the Millennial Kingdom in chapter 35. There is coming a war that will end all wars.
2. Imagine walking into a cave that is total darkness then walking outside into brilliant
sunlight. You shade your eyes it is so bright.
3. Are you living with or without God? The contrast is equally as drastic!
4. Isaiah 34-35 sets a stark contrast.
Are you living with or without God?
I. WORLD WIDE PERIL 34 Without God
A. The Destruction 1-10
This is a prophecy for the world. Nations…Peoples…Earth…World. 1 This is a
world without godly influence. God is left out. Of the Lord…3 keys to this period.
1. The Anger of the Lord 2-4 For the indignation of the Lord is upon all
nations…Edom (5), Idumea may mean the present nation of Jordan or nations
of the world. It’s not pleasant when God is against you.
*His fury upon all the armies…utterly destroyed. 2 The military might of the
world is no match for God! You are no match for God!
*Slain…Stench carcasses 3 (Rev. 19:17, 18) When you war against God you
*Verse 4 The coming judgment with cosmic disturbances (Matt. 24:29, 30).
Either meteors (stars fall from heaven) or nuclear war heads are described.
Without God your world will fall apart. Those things that are stable shake!
2. The Armament of the Lord 5-7 The sword of the Lord
*My sword will fall especially on Edom. Edom is Southeast of the Dead Sea…
Today it is Jordan. Which is an Islamic country. Bozrah 7 is 27 miles south of
the Dead Sea. Idumea in some translations is Greek for Edom.
*Verse 6 like sacrificial animals…sacrifice…slaughter. Their land will be
soaked with blood. 7 We speak of a God of love. God is holy, righteous and
just. God will not always strive with man.
3. The Appointment of the Lord 8-10 It is the day of the Lord.
*The Reason 8 For the cause of Israel
*The Result 9,10 Some note volcanic activity and volcanic character is
described. The blighted landscape…a polluted landscape. Leave God out
and life is bleak. It shall be waste forever. The Millennial reign of Christ
will blossom, but not here. It is a testimony to the severity of God. God
may forgive you, but the scare may remain. There are consequences of
living without God.
B. The Desolation 11-15
It’s not what it was…what it could have been…what might have been. Nothing:
1. Note the Certainty Shall
2. Note the Variety Creatures that occupy a once promising and productive site.
It’s a reminder of living without God.
C. The Destination 16-17
The book of the Lord…not one word shall fail. Isaiah’s writing is God’s Word. God’s
Word will stand…it is sure!
Are you living with or without God?
We walk into the sunlight! What happened between ch. 34 and ch. 35? JESUS
A. The Praise In Creation 1,2
1. Its Promise Shall
2. Its Place The very place of desolation 2
3. Its Person they shall see the glory of the Lord…the excellency of our God.
Creation will respond to the presence of the Creator.
B. The Peace In Confusion 3,4
Isaiah addresses the present in light of the future.
1.The present passage is quoted in (Heb. 12:12) Wherefore lift up the hands that hang down…the feeble knees. These believers were subject to intense persecution permitted by God for spiritual training. No chastening for the present seems to be joyous but grievous; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them who are exercised by it. (Heb. 12:11)
2.Let God take care of your enemies. He will come and save you.
C. The Prospect In Consecration 5-7
1. This will literally happen! All the negatives are reversed!
2. This happens to us spiritually. When Jesus comes the negatives are reversed!
D. The Path In Communion 8-10
Highway is a road built on a raised causeway and therefore visible and
unmistakable. This is a ‘highway’ to God: It is pictured in our salvation.
1.The Placement of the Road An highway shall be there. Jesus said, I am the
2.The Purity of the Road It shall be called a way of holiness, the unclean shall
not pass over. We are righteous because He is righteous. He imparts His
righteousness. He imputes righteousness.
3.The Plainness of the Road The wayfaring men, though fools shall not err therein. God’s word is perfectly clear. A genius or child can find the way.
4. The Peacefulness of the Road 9 No lion shall be there, nor ravenous beast.
This is true of the Millennial Kingdom. We are faced with the world, the flesh
and the devil, but we are more than conqueror through Him!
5. The People of the Road 9b-10 The Redeemed…The Ransomed
*The Redeemed This is the first time out of 24 that it’s found in Isaiah. We
recall the Kinsman Redeemer. This was the need of a next of kin who had sold
everything. There must be one willing to pay the redemption price. Jesus paid
the price!
*The Ransomed One who is set free because a price was paid. They sing!
Are you living with or without God?
Come Out of the Dark into the Light!
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