The Bridge Church

We Are TBC: Worship Faithfully
September 25, 2022
Locations & Times
Englewood SKY Academy
871 S River Rd, Englewood, FL 34223, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
1. Worship Faithfully by participating in weekly worship as a church family
2. Worship Faithfully by spending time with God daily
3. God wants us to worship Him in spirit and in truth
More than a time of the week, worship is a lifestyle.
I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time
I need to be baptized
I need to attend Starting Point
I need to join a small group
I need to join a serve team
I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time
I need to be baptized
I need to attend Starting Point
I need to join a small group
I need to join a serve team
Dig Deeper:
1. Looking at The Bridge Church’s strategy to fulfill the mission Jesus has given us (Worship Faithfully, Connect Relationally, Living Generously, and Engaging Missionally), how do you see these different components working together? How are they connected? How is each important individually?
2. When you think of the word “worship,” what comes to mind?
3. Worship means to “give worth” to something or someone. Just like what we value shapes us, what we do reveals who or what we worship. Based on that definition, what would you say you “worship”?
4. Read Romans 12:1-2. How does this change your perspective of worship? What does Paul mean when he says to “present your bodies as a living sacrifice?”
5. What does it look like to spend personal time with God on daily, faithful, consistent basis?
6. Worshiping Jesus shouldn’t be compartmentalized for an hour or a certain day of the week. It should be part of every moment of our lives! Are you surrendering all of who you are to worship God or are there areas of your life that need change?
7. How does knowing that we are created to worship, and that we have a choice in what we worship, make you evaluate what you currently worship?
8. What is the difference in participating in worship versus simply attending worship?
9. What are the differences between religious ritual and worship? How is each component of gathered worship (preaching, praying, singing, giving, serving, communion, and baptism) all a way in which we can respond to the gospel?
10. Even though we benefit from worship, it’s not about us. Ultimately, why worship?
11. Read John 4:23-25. What does it mean to worship God in Spirit and in truth?
12. Considering both corporate worship and personal worship, why are both equally important?
13. Three ways we can worship are through praise, thanksgiving, and sacrifice. Read Psalm 150:1-6. We praise when we are reminded of who God is. What are other ways to praise God in addition to singing?
14. Read Psalm 100:3-4. Thanksgiving is when we are reminded of what God has done. What are ways you can worship through thanksgiving?
15. Read Hebrews 13:15-16. When we worship through sacrifice, we refocus our priorities. What are you doing to worship God through sacrifice? How can you identify your priorities in order to refocus them?
16. Worship is more than an event or a time of the week; worship is a lifestyle. What are ways you can make worship a part of your lifestyle?
Reading Plan:
Monday: John 4:23-26; Romans 12:1-2
Tuesday: Psalm 66
Wednesday: Psalm 145
Thursday: Psalm 146
Friday: Psalm 100
Saturday: Psalm 8
1. Looking at The Bridge Church’s strategy to fulfill the mission Jesus has given us (Worship Faithfully, Connect Relationally, Living Generously, and Engaging Missionally), how do you see these different components working together? How are they connected? How is each important individually?
2. When you think of the word “worship,” what comes to mind?
3. Worship means to “give worth” to something or someone. Just like what we value shapes us, what we do reveals who or what we worship. Based on that definition, what would you say you “worship”?
4. Read Romans 12:1-2. How does this change your perspective of worship? What does Paul mean when he says to “present your bodies as a living sacrifice?”
5. What does it look like to spend personal time with God on daily, faithful, consistent basis?
6. Worshiping Jesus shouldn’t be compartmentalized for an hour or a certain day of the week. It should be part of every moment of our lives! Are you surrendering all of who you are to worship God or are there areas of your life that need change?
7. How does knowing that we are created to worship, and that we have a choice in what we worship, make you evaluate what you currently worship?
8. What is the difference in participating in worship versus simply attending worship?
9. What are the differences between religious ritual and worship? How is each component of gathered worship (preaching, praying, singing, giving, serving, communion, and baptism) all a way in which we can respond to the gospel?
10. Even though we benefit from worship, it’s not about us. Ultimately, why worship?
11. Read John 4:23-25. What does it mean to worship God in Spirit and in truth?
12. Considering both corporate worship and personal worship, why are both equally important?
13. Three ways we can worship are through praise, thanksgiving, and sacrifice. Read Psalm 150:1-6. We praise when we are reminded of who God is. What are other ways to praise God in addition to singing?
14. Read Psalm 100:3-4. Thanksgiving is when we are reminded of what God has done. What are ways you can worship through thanksgiving?
15. Read Hebrews 13:15-16. When we worship through sacrifice, we refocus our priorities. What are you doing to worship God through sacrifice? How can you identify your priorities in order to refocus them?
16. Worship is more than an event or a time of the week; worship is a lifestyle. What are ways you can make worship a part of your lifestyle?
Reading Plan:
Monday: John 4:23-26; Romans 12:1-2
Tuesday: Psalm 66
Wednesday: Psalm 145
Thursday: Psalm 146
Friday: Psalm 100
Saturday: Psalm 8