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Mercy Culture Church | Pastor Landon Schott

Expanding Territory: The Sound Mind

Expanding Territory: The Sound Mind

Locations & Times

Mercy Culture Church

1701 Oakhurst Scenic Dr, Fort Worth, TX 76111, USA

Sunday 8:00 AM

Sunday 11:00 AM

A mind submitted to the Lord expands territory!
2022 is the Year of Expanding Territory

1 Chronicles 4:10 KJV, NIV, MSG
10Jabez called upon the God of Israel, saying, “Oh [if] that you would bless me [indeed] and enlarge [Expand] my territory, and that your hand might be with me, and that you would keep me from harm [evil] so that it might not bring me pain!” And God granted what he asked.
2 Timothy 1:7a
"God has not given us a spirit of fear..."

Fear is a demonic spirit.
- The spirit of fear is a false Holy Spirit!
- The spirit of fear mimics the Holy Spirit.
- It’s anti-Christ.
- It’s anti holy spirit!
- Fear has a voice!
- Fear has a presence!
- The spirit of fear leads you away from the will of God!
2 Timothy 1:7b
"God has given us His power..."

GREEK(doo'-nam-is) - miraculous, power, might, strength.

(dýnamai, "able, having ability") - "Power through God's ability"

Dunamis is the power source of God.
2 Timothy 1:7c
"God has given us His love..."
Be careful of familiarity!
Can you Biblically define love?

The world can’t define love… Love is not love!

You can’t use the same word to describe the word unless you are trying to manipulate or change the meaning!!!

God is love but love isn’t God!
Love is agape

properly, love which centers in moral preference. focuses on preference, "to prefer", divine love (what God prefers)

Agape is perfect love, the love of choice!
2 Timothy 1:7d
"God has given us a sound mind."

Sound Mind
sóphronismos = an admonishing or calling to soundness of mind “sober-mindedness, sobriety, to moderation and self-control: equivalent to correction & discipline.”

"A calm and quiet mind. A sound mind, a mind that can think straight, think clearly, and make wise choices”

“The Greek word denotes one of sober mind; a man of prudence and discretion. The state referred to here is that in which the mind is well balanced, and under right influences; everything is in its proper place."

Simplified… “A sound mind is a mind submitted to the Holy Spirit!

The sound mind is under control because it knows God is in control!

Mental real estate = Thoughts from a mind that God owns!

Minds that are not submitted to the Holy Spirit are influenced by the demonic!
We don’t have a mental illness problem, we have a debased mind problem!
Debased Mind
Completely corrupt, knows only evil

Renewing our minds keeps us from a debased mind!
Greek Word - anakainoó = RENOVATION
complete change for the better… “a renewal or change of heart and life.”

Renewed minds have a greater value!
Take Captive
aichmalótizó (aheekh-mal-o-tee-zo) = to take or lead captive I take captive (in war); I subdue, ensnare.

Take captive = military conquered the city and raised a new flag of victory!
Watch for open doors to the enemy

- Unforgiveness is an open door!
- Rebellion is an open door!
- Perversion is an open door!

Take thoughts captive = “I’m captivated by Him!”

Trade your thoughts for God’s thoughts! Exchange a lie for the truth of God!
How to take thoughts captive:
1. Talk to yourself
2. Talk to the enemy
3. Talk to God! Pray in the Holy Spirit and pray Scripture.
The dismembered body meant no tomb, no remembrance, and no mental real estate!
Mental real estate is more VALUABLE than the physical territory!
A mind submitted to the Lord expands territory!