New Life Christian Center, Eckley CO - USA
3 - Living Under an Open Heaven (8/14/22)
Our Main Service teaching notes for August 14th, 2022
Locations & Times
New Life Christian Center
37116-37472 County Rd R, Yuma, CO 80759, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
#1 - Understanding How to Request
Sermon Recap
Sermon Recap
#2 - Being Found in the Moment.
faithful - worthy of trust (from provider).
#3 - Living Under an Open Heaven.
In the Old Testament, heaven was not open but rather conditional upon the right activity spelled out in the Law.
1 - If, you do these things.
- Then, these things.
2 - And they shall chase you down - because!
12 - Then, the Lord will open His good treasure, the heavens…
- Then, these things.
2 - And they shall chase you down - because!
12 - Then, the Lord will open His good treasure, the heavens…
15 - If, you do not do these things.
- Then, all these things - curses!
23 - And your heavens shall be bronze and your earth shall be iron!
- Then, all these things - curses!
23 - And your heavens shall be bronze and your earth shall be iron!
2 - Did you receive by works? Or by hearing of faith?
3 - Are you so foolish? Are you made perfect by “acts” of flesh?
10 - In the law, cursed is everyone who does not do it all!
13 - Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law.
14 - The blessing of Abraham - hearing, believing, and accounting to him for righteousness.
3 - Are you so foolish? Are you made perfect by “acts” of flesh?
10 - In the law, cursed is everyone who does not do it all!
13 - Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law.
14 - The blessing of Abraham - hearing, believing, and accounting to him for righteousness.