Manheim BIC Church
Mark - Week 15
Locations & Times
  • Manheim BIC Church - Assembly & Live Stream
    54 N Penryn Rd, Manheim, PA 17545, USA
    Sunday 9:00 AM, Sunday 10:40 AM
  • MBIC Live Stream
    Sunday 10:40 AM

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Group Discussion & Life Challenge
Use these notes as discussion prompts for your group, or in your personal time with God.

Get to know each other. Connect, warm up to each other, fellowship.

Carry each other's burdens. Share life’s challenges and practice Soul Care. Pray together.

Dive into God’s Word. Use these discussion questions. Learn from each other's insight

Reflection/Discussion Questions:
1) Is the Apostles Creed something you are familiar with? How do you think it could be helpful for believers?
2) Share a time when you had a helpful conversation about a hard topic, and why was it helpful? Feel free to share a time when a conversation about a hard topic did not go well, and why?
3) Are the end times something you think about? If so, what fascinates you about end times?
4) What was one thing that Jesus shared in Mark 13 that was helpful for questions on end times?
5) What does staying alert look like for you? What will you do to stay awake?

Does anyone need clarity on something? Are there any big God questions you are wrestling with?

Celebrate life’s successes and God’s provision. Worship God’s presence. Time to brag about God.
Jesus, I believe you came because you love us, you died on the cross because you love us and you rose again because you desired to make a way for me to be with you now and in Heaven. I am sorry for sinning and going my own way, please forgive me. God be the King of my life, I invite you right now to come and change my heart and life. Amen
If you prayed the Prayer of Salvation, do these three things:
1. Tell someone that you started a relationship with Jesus Christ.
2. Talk to God and tell him about your life. Just talk to him like you would to a friend because HE is your friend,
3. Check out that reading plan above (Click on the "First Steps" image above).

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