StoneBridge Community Church

"The Hope That is in You": 1 Peter 3:13-17
Senior Pastor Jon Saur
Locations & Times
StoneBridge Community Church
4832 Cochran St, Simi Valley, CA 93063, USA
Saturday 5:15 PM
Sunday 5:20 PM
Online Connection Card
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I. Patrick's Story
II. "Defense"
A. "Answer?"
B. Pressure?
III. "The Hope that is in you."
IV. "Suffer for doing good."
V. Hope
I. Patrick's Story
II. "Defense"
A. "Answer?"
B. Pressure?
III. "The Hope that is in you."
IV. "Suffer for doing good."
V. Hope
1) Think about someone who has asked you about the hope that is in you in the past.
2) How did you respond to that person?
3) If possible, reach out to that person to see how they are.
4.) Pray for that person, that they would share the same hope.
1) Think about someone who has asked you about the hope that is in you in the past.
2) How did you respond to that person?
3) If possible, reach out to that person to see how they are.
4.) Pray for that person, that they would share the same hope.
1. How would you define "the hope that is in you?"
2. What do you think of when you hear the word "defense?"
3. Do you feel pressure when you think about "giving a defense of the hope that is in you?" Why or why not?
4. In what ways have "gentleness" and "respect" been lost in our current culture?
5. What is the best way for Christians to model "gentleness" and respect" to the world around us?
1. How would you define "the hope that is in you?"
2. What do you think of when you hear the word "defense?"
3. Do you feel pressure when you think about "giving a defense of the hope that is in you?" Why or why not?
4. In what ways have "gentleness" and "respect" been lost in our current culture?
5. What is the best way for Christians to model "gentleness" and respect" to the world around us?

Starting the first weekend in September, StoneBridge will be launching a new, fall series – called Intended for Good. Intended for Good will insightfully journey through Joseph's story in the book of Genesis. Whether in-person or by Zoom, experience your own spiritual blessing by participating in a fall growth group. Click below to sign-up!
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