Sierra Vista Community Church

Your Failures and God's Grace
Freedom From Fear Part 2
Locations & Times
Sierra Vista Community Church
514 N Telshor Blvd, Las Cruces, NM 88011, United States
Sunday 10:00 AM
How To Overcome The Fear of Failure:
1. Remember that everybody fails.
“... for we ALL stumble in many ways. If anyone does not stumble in what he says, He is a mature man who is also able to control his whole body.” (James 3:2)
“There is certainly no righteous man on the earth who does good and never sins.” (Ecclesiastes 7:20)
2. Realize that your failure is not lethal.
“Though a righteous man falls seven times, he will get up, but the wicked will stumble into ruin.” (Proverbs 24:16)
“We are pressured in every way but not crushed; we are perplexed but not in despair; we are persecuted but not abandoned; we are struck down but not destroyed.” (2 Corinthians 4:8-9)
3. Recognize the benefits of your failures.
God uses your failures to …
• … educate you.
“The one who conceals his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them will find mercy.” (Proverbs 28:13)
• … motivate you.
“Sometimes it takes a painful experience to make us change our ways.” (Proverbs 20:30) [GN]
• … cultivate you.
“We also boast (rejoice) of our troubles, because we know that trouble produces endurance, endurance brings God's approval, and his approval creates hope.” (Romans 5:3-4) [GN]
4. Relax in God’s grace.
“For He knows what we are made of, remembering that we are dust.” (Psalm 103:14)
“(God) He erased (canceled) the certificate of debt, with its obligations, that was against us and opposed to us, and has taken it out of the way by nailing it to the cross.” (Colossians 2:14)
“Love never ends …” (1 Corinthians 13:8a)
“Make sure that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no root of bitterness springs up, causing trouble and by it, defiling many.” (Hebrews 12:15)
1. Remember that everybody fails.
“... for we ALL stumble in many ways. If anyone does not stumble in what he says, He is a mature man who is also able to control his whole body.” (James 3:2)
“There is certainly no righteous man on the earth who does good and never sins.” (Ecclesiastes 7:20)
2. Realize that your failure is not lethal.
“Though a righteous man falls seven times, he will get up, but the wicked will stumble into ruin.” (Proverbs 24:16)
“We are pressured in every way but not crushed; we are perplexed but not in despair; we are persecuted but not abandoned; we are struck down but not destroyed.” (2 Corinthians 4:8-9)
3. Recognize the benefits of your failures.
God uses your failures to …
• … educate you.
“The one who conceals his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them will find mercy.” (Proverbs 28:13)
• … motivate you.
“Sometimes it takes a painful experience to make us change our ways.” (Proverbs 20:30) [GN]
• … cultivate you.
“We also boast (rejoice) of our troubles, because we know that trouble produces endurance, endurance brings God's approval, and his approval creates hope.” (Romans 5:3-4) [GN]
4. Relax in God’s grace.
“For He knows what we are made of, remembering that we are dust.” (Psalm 103:14)
“(God) He erased (canceled) the certificate of debt, with its obligations, that was against us and opposed to us, and has taken it out of the way by nailing it to the cross.” (Colossians 2:14)
“Love never ends …” (1 Corinthians 13:8a)
“Make sure that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no root of bitterness springs up, causing trouble and by it, defiling many.” (Hebrews 12:15)
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