Valley Church

How the Few Influence the Many.
We look forward to worshipping with you today!
Locations & Times
Valley Church
4343 Fuller Rd, West Des Moines, IA 50265, USA
Sunday 9:30 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
Welcome to Valley!
We are so glad that you could celebrate with us today.
We are so glad that you could celebrate with us today.
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Your gifts make our ministry possible. Thank you for your ongoing generosity! We’re CONFIDENT that God REIGNS.
2. We’re ALL IN for God’s message.
4. We SUFFER, DIE, and RISE – like Jesus.
5. We EXPECT God to MOVE in many HEARTS.
Discussion Questions
1. Share about a time when you felt outnumbered or outmatched. It could come from a travel experience, sports, workplace happening, everyday life. What thoughts and feelings crossed your mind?
2. What stood out to you about the message in Revelation 10-11 From your notes on the message, what was a notable challenge or encouragement? What was confusing or clarifying?
3. God is in control! Easy to say, but sometimes it’s hard to see it or embrace it. On the control spectrum of 1-10, where do you land (1 = totally relaxed and know God has it; 10 = certified control freak). Be honest. Do you rate yourself differently in different areas of life?
4. We saw in the passage that the few (followers of Jesus) can influence the many (those outside the faith). But this influence has its costs and rewards. For example, we may have to face strong opposition, feel excluded, or share unpopular truth. Why is faithfully following Jesus worth it? What are you looking forward to on the other side of what difficulty you may face?
5. “Bad times are the best times to share the good news.” Can you think of at least one person (perhaps that One Life) whom God might be leading you to befriend or to draw near to in their difficult days? How can you be light in their darkness?
6. Can you take a moment as a group to discuss and then pray for our brothers and sisters around the world who are heavily persecuted right now? For example, you might pray for believers in China, Ukraine, Iran, Afghanistan, or Morocco.
7. Often, the book of Revelation is presented as complete “doom and gloom.” How has our study so far helped you to see Revelation as essentially a book of blessing (see Rev 1:3) for believers in the good times and bad?
2. What stood out to you about the message in Revelation 10-11 From your notes on the message, what was a notable challenge or encouragement? What was confusing or clarifying?
3. God is in control! Easy to say, but sometimes it’s hard to see it or embrace it. On the control spectrum of 1-10, where do you land (1 = totally relaxed and know God has it; 10 = certified control freak). Be honest. Do you rate yourself differently in different areas of life?
4. We saw in the passage that the few (followers of Jesus) can influence the many (those outside the faith). But this influence has its costs and rewards. For example, we may have to face strong opposition, feel excluded, or share unpopular truth. Why is faithfully following Jesus worth it? What are you looking forward to on the other side of what difficulty you may face?
5. “Bad times are the best times to share the good news.” Can you think of at least one person (perhaps that One Life) whom God might be leading you to befriend or to draw near to in their difficult days? How can you be light in their darkness?
6. Can you take a moment as a group to discuss and then pray for our brothers and sisters around the world who are heavily persecuted right now? For example, you might pray for believers in China, Ukraine, Iran, Afghanistan, or Morocco.
7. Often, the book of Revelation is presented as complete “doom and gloom.” How has our study so far helped you to see Revelation as essentially a book of blessing (see Rev 1:3) for believers in the good times and bad?