StoneBridge Community Church

Summer in the Cities: "We Left": Acts 21:1-6
Senior Pastor Jon Saur
Locations & Times
StoneBridge Community Church
4832 Cochran St, Simi Valley, CA 93063, USA
Saturday 5:15 PM
Sunday 5:20 PM
Online Connection Card
Worship With Generosity
In this sermon series, StoneBridge will be journeying through the cities mentioned in the Book of Acts, looking at how the Holy Spirit works through the Apostle Paul in each city. By doing so, we will be able to more clearly see the Holy Spirit at work in our own city.
Introduction to the Book of Acts
The Text in Context
A History of Tyre
I. Tyre
II. Perfect Church
A. No disagreement
B. Acts 2 & 4
III. Actual Church
A. The Rest of Acts
B. The Church has always disagreed.
IV. Tyre
A. Not just human led disagreement.
B. Spirit led?
C. Is disagreement bad?
D. Can disagreement move us forward?
E. The work of the Holy Spirit
V. Holy Spirit is at work today, amidst disagreement.
1. Reflect on a disagreement that just can't seem to be resolved in your life.
2. Consider that the Holy Spirit may be involved in this disagreement. (Not necessarily causing it, but involved in it somehow.)
3. Write down the possible ways the Holy Spirit may be at work in this disagreement.
4. Pray that the Holy Spirit would be at work in this disagreement and hand it over to God.
1. How do you handle disagreement? Is it something you are comfortable with? Uncomfortable with it?
2. In Acts 21, the Christians in Tyre tell Paul "in the Spirit" not to continue on his journey. Paul disagrees with them and continues on. Have you considered that the Holy Spirit may, sometimes, cause disagreement amongst Christians? Does this thought comfort you? Upset you?
3. What is the difference between disagreement and division?
4. How can disagreement move a community forward? How can disagreement move a friendship forward?

In partnership with James Storehouse, we are collecting back-to-school items for students in kindergarten through college. Supply lists are available at the Hub. Please return donations to the church office by Monday, August 8th.

Starting the first weekend in September, StoneBridge will be launching a new, fall series – called Intended for Good. Intended for Good will insightfully journey through Joseph's story in the book of Genesis. Whether in-person or by Zoom, experience your own spiritual blessing by facilitating a fall growth group or planting a new one. No prior experience is necessary. Sign up on your connection card this weekend or visit the link below. If you have any questions, please contact the church office.