Redeemer Church Mauritius
God Pursues a Love Relationship with Us - Cedric Holl
Many people aren't able to comprehend how much the almighty God loves us; how He pursues us and desires a relationship with us, and not just a religious routine. Our Father sees our hearts and cares about us, but most of all, He want us to be a part of His everlasting love story.
Locations & Times
Redeemer Church Mauritius
Sunday 9:30 AM
1. God's love for us
God loves us as a creator loves his creation, as a father loves his son and as a husband loves his wife.
God loves us as a creator loves his creation, as a father loves his son and as a husband loves his wife.
2. Our broken hearts
We constantly mess up, but it doesn't change the love of God for us. It changes our understanding and acceptance of His love for us.
We constantly mess up, but it doesn't change the love of God for us. It changes our understanding and acceptance of His love for us.
3. Our response to God's love
Our response is to love God with everything we have within us.
Our response is to love God with everything we have within us.
Let's Apply It:
Will you make time for the one who loves you most?
Will you make time for the one who loves you most?