Lifeway Church

In "Breakout," Pastor Mark looks at the Apostle Paul's most concise and profound explanation of the gospel in the book of Galatians. Through this study, we’ll see how the gospel transforms every aspect of our lives, freeing us to live with confidence in the midst of uncertainty, unity in the midst of strife, and joy in the midst of suffering.
Locations & Times
Lifeway Church • Downtown Campus
114 S Congress St, York, SC 29745, USA
Sunday 8:30 AM

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…The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God…
Jesus is not only your forgiveness-provider; He is your righteousness-producer.
You live the Christian life by depending on the One who bought you.
Salvation is a gift of God accessed only by faith in Jesus.
You received the Holy Spirit when you put your faith in the finished work of Jesus.
The way you live the Christian life is the same way you began in the Christian life: through faith in the finished work of Jesus.
“It is finished” is the ongoing work of God giving you His Spirit and doing miracles in your life.
The Holy Spirit’s power is essential to live the life God wants you to live.
The power of the Holy Spirit is released through your renewed faith in the Gospel.
When you’re resting on the finished work of Jesus, you are receiving spiritual, life-changing power.
The same Gospel that saves you, sustains you.
“It is finished” is not just the way you obtain forgiveness; it’s how you gain power to live obediently in the present.
Breakout of the habit of trying to be good and trying to do right in your own power.
Faith in the finished work of Jesus has freed you to live in the power of the Holy Spirit that is already inside you and available to you.
Faith in the finished work of Jesus has freed you to live in the power of the Holy Spirit that is already inside you and available to you.
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