Calvary BFC
FREEDOM - Romans 7:1-13
We like freedom. Conversely, we generally don’t like to be told what to do. God offers freedom to us- but this is not a freedom to do anything we want. Instead, the freedom we are offered frees us from the law while also compelling us to follow God’s plan.
Locations & Times
  • Calvary Bible Fellowship Church
    6782 N Main St, Coopersburg, PA 18036, USA
    неделя 9:00 AM, неделя 10:45 AM
I. Followers of Jesus have died to the law- vv. 1-4
• We are united to Christ to such an extent that when he died, we died
II. Followers of Jesus produce gospel fruit- vv. 4- 6
• Previously, we produced deadly fruit
• Now we serve through the Holy Spirit
III. Followers of Jesus understand sin and death because of the holy law of God- vv. 7-13
• The problem is not the law, but our reaction to it
• The law was used for death
• God uses the law to reveal our need of a Savior
Bottom Line: Freedom from the law is a freedom from the penalty of sin and a freedom to follow God’s good plan for your life
Questions To Consider
What illustration does the apostle Paul use in verses 2-3? Even without a one to one correspondence, what is the point of the illustration?

What should be the result of being free from the law? Why doesn’t our freedom set us free from all laws?

How is the good and holy law, though used for deathly purposes, still a blessing?
Melodic Line of Romans
Jesus is the prophesied and revealed Messiah whose gospel-accomplishing life, death, and resurrection saves His beloved people, chosen out from all the world, to an obedience of faith, for the glory of His name.