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Citywide Baptist Church

The prescription for community

The prescription for community

Jesus talks about the ingredients of healthy community

Locations & Times

Citywide Baptist Church (Mornington)

400 Cambridge Rd, Mornington TAS 7018, Australia

Sunday 10:00 AM

An overriding concern for Jesus was that his followers would love each other enough that we could be called "one" and that our relationships with each other would speak loudly in and of themselves.

Discussion Question: What gets in the road of the church being "one"?
Matthew 18 is all about what it actually takes for followers of Jesus to love one another and truly be "one".

It starts with a question that most of us would consider to be normal and good: "What can we do to get ahead?"
One of the weaknesses in the church is that we too quickly put people on pedestals, and we have too many who want to be on pedestals.

Over the last few years we have seen what happens when ministry focusses on one person:

Jesus uses a child as a symbol, in the ancient world, of someone who had no personal power.

In every other kingdom, including the kingdom of 21st century Australia, the great people are the ones with the most influence. In the kingdom of God the great people are not the ones who are served but the ones who serve.

The only way the kind of community that Jesus talks about is possible is if people are not seeking power, influence or promoting their own interests.
The only way the kind of humility Jesus calls for is possible only if we see the people who are lowest on the status ladder.

Jesus promises a blessing to the community that doesn't show preferential treatment
Jesus recognises the power of community and how easy it is to be led astray by people... but he warns of the severe consequences if my actions lead to anyone stumbling
If you are fighting for your own preferences, then you are working against Jesus' purposes for the church... and it's serious.
Jesus has already taught that it is not your body that causes you to sin.
Jesus is using hyperbole to challenge us to accept responsibility for our own actions.

He has acknowledged the power of relationships in leading people astray, but now he wants to make clear that you can't blame someone else for your behaviour.

We need to look at our lives and take away anything that causes us to take our eyes of Jesus and put them on ourselves.
The start of the journey with Jesus is repentance
The community Jesus envisions is only possible amongst people who have repented, and are in a continual process of repentance and realignment with him and his will.
To repent is to get a new way of seeing that produces a new way of living.
Small Group Questions:

1) What have been some of the times in your life when you have most felt "one" with a group of people?

2) Who have been some of the Christian leaders who have fallen that have had the biggest impact on you personally? Why do you think we put leaders on a pedestal like we do?

3) Jesus calls for us to be humble and put others interests above our own. Who in our church would you think does that? In what ways do you still need to grow in this?

4)Jesus calls us to care for the "little ones". Who are the people with the least influence in our church? How could we care for them better?

5)Jesus calls us to face the things in our lives that take us away from him. Can you identify them in your life? Are you brave enough to talk about them?