Cordova Neighborhood Church

Sunday 6.5.2022
Welcome to Sunday worship at Cordova Neighborhood Church. Service begins at 11:00 AM. In person service is at the church building, 10600 Coloma Road, Rancho Cordova, CA. Online, the service is on Facebook Live.
Locations & Times
Cordova Neighborhood Church | Online @
10600 Coloma Rd, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670, USA
Sunday 11:00 PM
Cordova Neighborhood Church Service LiveStream at 11AM
Tap the link then come back to take and save notes. The link takes you directly to the Live Stream and will be live starting at 10:45am. News and communication tools are at the bottom of this page. Ephesians: In Christ All Is New
Words Matter
Pastor Phil Cooley
Take notes online or print a pdf.
Words Matter
Pastor Phil Cooley
Take notes online or print a pdf.
Sermon Notes PDF

Completed orders can be picked up next Sunday.

Under this Roof: A fundraising campaign to restore our aging roof | Today we celebrate the end of the campaign. Thank you to all who participated! You are making a difference at Cordova Neighborhood Church!
Pray for Alliance International Workers: SPAIN | We rejoice at the long-anticipated arrival of Matt and Alicia and their four children to Barcelona, Spain, on June 8. Between COVID-19 and major red tape, they were delayed in their move from Palestine to Spain by two years. They will join the ranks of our Alliance Diaspora Ministries in Europe to share the love of the Father with immigrant peoples in Spain.
No Wednesday Youth Group in JUNE | Enjoy your break and we’ll see you back in July.

Faithful Presence Small Group Schedule | Next meeting Tuesday , June 14 | 6 - 7:30 PM in Rudat Hall | Everyone is welcome.
Giving in May
Monthly Budget $27,884.37
General Giving $22,777.96
Below budget $ 5,106.41
Missions giving $ 544.70
Monthly Budget $27,884.37
General Giving $22,777.96
Below budget $ 5,106.41
Missions giving $ 544.70
COVID Testing
Free covid 19 testing, are available at the church every Tuesday, 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Register for testing at this link. Walk-ins welcome. WITH US
Digital Communication Slip
Use this form to let us know you joined us, tell us about a prayer need or ask a question. online
Donating to Cordova Neighborhood Church is easy. Use this link to give a one time gift or set up a reoccurring donation.