Parkerville Baptist Church

This Sunday is Reconciliation Sunday – the Sunday in Reconciliation Week that invites Christians to reflect on their journey of reconciliation with Australia’s First Peoples. As God’s people, we share communion together to remember what Jesus has done, and we seek to live that out in lives that are reconciled to God, to one another, and to all people. Reconciliation Sunday encourages us to consider how the journey of reconciliation is going, and to live out reconciliation in every part of our lives. Mike Bullard will be bringing us his final message, from 2 Samuel 21:1-14. This is an unusual story from David’s life. It highlights the profound effect that listening and mourning can have on the journey of reconciliation. Join us to explore and discover some insights about how wounds from the past can be resolved and blessing come into difficult places as people move through processes of reconciliation. What might a journey of reconciliation look like for each of us?
Locations & Times
Parkerville Baptist Church
910 Seaborne St, Parkerville WA 6081, Australia
Sunday 9:30 AM
About Parkerville Baptist Church
Love God, love others, make disciples … that’s the commission Jesus left his followers.
At Parky, it’s our mission to do this by sharing our lives and creating pathways that inspire people to wholeheartedly follow Jesus.
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2 Samuel 21:1During the reign of David, there was a famine for three successive years; so David sought the face of the Lord. The Lord said, “It is on account of Saul and his blood-stained house; it is because he put the Gibeonites to death.”
2 Samuel 21:2The king summoned the Gibeonites and spoke to them. (Now the Gibeonites were not a part of Israel but were survivors of the Amorites; the Israelites had sworn to spare them, but Saul in his zeal for Israel and Judah had tried to annihilate them.) 3David asked the Gibeonites, “What shall I do for you? How shall I make atonement so that you will bless the Lord’s inheritance?”

2 Samuel 21:4The Gibeonites answered him, “We have no right to demand silver or gold from Saul or his family, nor do we have the right to put anyone in Israel to death.”
“What do you want me to do for you?” David asked.
2 Samuel 21:5 They answered the king, “As for the man who destroyed us and plotted against us so that we have been decimated and have no place anywhere in Israel, 6 let seven of his male descendants be given to us to be killed and their bodies exposed before the Lord at Gibeah of Saul—the Lord’s chosen one.”
So the king said, “I will give them to you.”
2 Samuel 21:14b After that, God answered prayer in behalf of the land.