The Avenue Church

Vision 2022 - Discovering Our Calling
Discipleship is a life-long journey of taking our Next Steps in following Jesus. We identify 4 key areas (the 4 D’s of Discipleship): Deepening relationship with Jesus Developing relationships with others Deploying gifts of service Discovering calling
Locations & Times
3445 Nuckolls Ave, Pueblo, CO 81005, USA
3445 Nuckolls Ave, Pueblo, CO 81005, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
We discover our calling by identifying and acting on God’s unique path for each of us to reproduce our faith in the lives of others. Disciple-makers see where we live, work & play as different spheres to make a difference for the Gospel. This happens in a variety of ways, and often involves areas of need that break our heart.
Your Calling answers the big questions:
What is my purpose in life?
What am I living for?
What would I die for?
What difference will my life make?
How do I live fully alive?
What is my purpose in life?
What am I living for?
What would I die for?
What difference will my life make?
How do I live fully alive?
A person who lives with a strong sense of calling is shaped by their identity as God’s child and family member. They see themselves as an integral part of what God is doing in their local community, and ultimately in the world. They experience increasing moments of “I was made for this!”
1. It’s Uniquely Yours
2. It's Eternally Focused
3. It's Immediately Relevant
4. It's Likely to Break Your Heart
5. It Will Change You
He who does not serve God where he is will not serve God anywhere else.-Charles Spurgeon
Practical Next Steps Challenge
Live - what specifically do you sense as your calling from God among those you are closest to?
Work - How has God called you to make a significant difference in the areas of your life around work / school?
Play - How has God given you opportunities to make a difference with those whom you have relationships with in the world?
Discussion Questions - Re-read our main passage from this week (Matthew 6:33-34) and then with your Growth Group, family, friends, etc. thoughtfully answer the following:
1. When you think of a “calling” what comes to mind?
2. Do you believe that God has a unique way for each of us to impact the world? If so, how do we go about discovering it?
3. How important is it to keep a focus on eternity when thinking about making change in the world?
4. How do we maintain the balance between eternally focused and immediately relevant?
5. If you could solve one problem in the world, what would it be and why?
6. What would it look like to address that problem in a personal, local way?
7. Everyone share one quality about each person that you see as significant to be able to affect change in this world.
8. What’s your next step in response to this message?
1. When you think of a “calling” what comes to mind?
2. Do you believe that God has a unique way for each of us to impact the world? If so, how do we go about discovering it?
3. How important is it to keep a focus on eternity when thinking about making change in the world?
4. How do we maintain the balance between eternally focused and immediately relevant?
5. If you could solve one problem in the world, what would it be and why?
6. What would it look like to address that problem in a personal, local way?
7. Everyone share one quality about each person that you see as significant to be able to affect change in this world.
8. What’s your next step in response to this message?
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We typically think God calls specific men and women to the ministry. The rest have to settle with a secular job. Alex Medina, Creative Director and Producer at Reach Records, would disagree. Alex walks us through the nature of calling and the impact everyone can have for God's glory through their work. Link to Full Sermon Notes (Google Drive)
Vision 2022 - Discovering Our Calling