Grace Community Church

May 15, 2022 Grace Community Church: Boone, Iowa
May 15, 2022
Locations & Times
Grace Community Church
625 S Division St, Boone, IA 50036, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM

Today's Sermon: Double, Double, Toil and Trouble
Pastor Tim Trudeau
Pastor Tim Trudeau
I.God’s People are Often .......... - Vs. 1
II. Source of Quarrels is .......... - Vs. 1b-3
III. The Root of Quarrels is ........ - Vs. 4-5
IV. The Answer to Quarrels is ......- Vs. 6
V. The Path to Humility- Vs. 7-10
D. Repent of ....
In our culture and even in the church, we have sought after the pleasures of this world in sexual immorality, impurity, and debauchery. We have satisfied our flesh with the things of this world with more possessions and nicer cars and bigger houses and better luxuries. We have pursued positions, plaudits, and popularity. We have lived for what is best for us in this world. And in the process, we have run around on our God. We need to repent and come back to Him.
- David Platt
- David Platt
What will it profit a man if he gains his cause, and silences his adversary, if at the same time he loses that humble tender frame of spirit in which the Lord delights, and to which the promise of His presence is made!
-John Newton
-John Newton