GracePoint Church

May 1 2022 Sermon Notes
What do you think of when you hear the word “restoration”? A worn out piece of furniture? A work of art? A dynastic line (for you history buffs)? In Psalm 85, we learn that the Lord wants to restore our spiritual lives. This sermon focuses on four directions we need to look to prepare our hearts for spiritual renewal.
Locations & Times
GracePoint Church
1 E 22nd St, Atlantic, IA 50022, United States
Sunday 10:00 AM
Sermon Outline & Notes
The Lord wants to Spiritually Renew His people.
Four Directions We Need to Look:
1. Look Back ==> Gratitude
2. Look Up ==> Longing
3. Look Inside ==> Patience
4. Look Ahead ==> Hopefulness
The Lord wants to Spiritually Renew His people.
Four Directions We Need to Look:
1. Look Back ==> Gratitude
2. Look Up ==> Longing
3. Look Inside ==> Patience
4. Look Ahead ==> Hopefulness
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