Pennsville Baptist Church

Sunday Morning Service
Sunday Morning Service
Locations & Times
Pennsville Baptist Church
3298 Richey Rd, Mt Pleasant, PA 15666, USA
Sunday 9:45 AM
Isaiah 6:1-13
“Here Am I”
1. Jesus Christ is looking for a few good men and women. Here am I. How does God get us to that point?
2. Isaiah 6 God is calling Isaiah. He gives him a vision:
Jesus Christ is looking for a few good men and women. Here am I. How does God get us to that point?
God shakes our world!
A. Stability With Uzziah (810-758 B.C.) there was 50 years of stability…50 years.
B. Shaken Now Israel was shaken. Before God gets us to Here am I He allows our
security to be shaken. There is the loss of something. Is your world shaken? He wants
to break us in order to make us.
Jesus Christ is looking for a few good men and women. Here am I How does God get us to that
A. His Manifestation 1b
1. I saw Adonai No man has seen God at any time.
2. The New Testament identifies Him as Jesus Christ. (Jn. 12:37-41)
3. The Suffering Servant of Isaiah 53 is none other than the sovereign Lord of Isaiah 6.
The Lord of hosts became the Man of Sorrows.
B. His Majesty 1b
Sitting on a throne
1.The One sitting is calm and certain in total control.
2.At times of shake up heaven is not moved. Just because your world is shaken…Jesus’ isn’t! High and lifted up and his train filled the temple.
1.It is a heavenly temple, not an earthly one.
2.He is above us and beyond us! His ways are not our ways. He has the right to ask what He wants.
3.Train (flowing garment)…ponder His greatness. We need a new view of God seen in Jesus Christ. We need to spend time in His presence.
C.His Magnificence 2
Above the throne stood the seraphim which are a visible reminder of God’s faithful messengers. It reminds us of what a messenger does and is. The fact that the seraphim are described in human terms suggests there are lessons here for us today.
1.They are standing ready to move in service for Jesus Christ. They are available at all times.
2. They have 3 pairs of wings…cover their face. Which is reverential awe. They dare not
gaze on the glory of God. Cover their feet they stand in humility, unworthy to serve.
With two they fly which is immediate obedience. The order suggests devotion before
3. God often brings people into our lives and we see!
D. His Marvel 3
Cried to another…we should verbalize who He is and what He has done!!
1.His Character Holy, holy, holy speaks of His absolute purity. He is totally
beyond us. He is absolutely sinless. He is worthy…we aren’t!
2.His Creation the whole earth is full of His glory. We need to see God at work all around us. His plan is unfolding and we are part of His plan!
E. His Might 4
The post of the door moved. Inanimate objects are moved by His presence.
The house was filled with smoke. His glory is all around, but vailed.
Jesus Christ is looking for a few good men and women. Here am I. How does God get us to that point?
We see ourselves in light of who He leads to confession.
A. Painfully Woe There is a deep sense of unworthiness.
B. Personally Is me It wasn’t what he had done, but what He was. We begin to see
ourselves as we really are, not what people think we are.
C. Pointedly I am a man of unclean lips…people of unclean lips. He saw himself as like
the rest of the world! I wonder if Isaiah’s particular weakness was his mouth.
Many say, “Forgive me if I’ve sinned.” From a general uncleanness to a specific sin.
God points out the ‘sin’…confess it as sin!
D. Powerfully For We need a clearer vision of Jesus. The more we see of Him the less
we see of ourselves.
Jesus Christ is looking for a few good men and women. Here am I. How does God get us to that point?
Confession leads to cleansing.
A. His Treatment 6a Live coal…tongs
1. The Brazen altar is necessary.
2. The seraphim display absolute intimacy with the mind and will of God. This is
Symbolic, not actual.
3. He knows what it takes to make you clean and usable.
B. His Touch 6b This has touched your lips.
1. His judgment was carried by another.
2. The work of Christ at Calvary is the basis of cleansing. The blood of Christ
cleanseth us from all sin.
3. Cleansing was by means of sacrifice. You cannot bypass the altar!!
C. His Take 7
Sin gone! Sin purged (atoned for) Forgiveness…the basis of forgiveness. He is the
propitiation (atonement) for our sins; and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the
whole world. (I John 2:2)
Jesus Christ is looking for a few good men and women. Here am I. How does God get us to that point?
A. The Voice 8a
God speaks: Whom shall I send…who will go for us?
1. The Lord chooses his workmen.
2. The Lord’s voice is only heard when the servant is cleansed and fit to serve.
3. The Lord looks for a willing servant.
4. The Lord who sends us is the triune God.
5. The Lord sends His servants as representatives.
B. The Victory 8b
“Here am I Lord, send me.”
Go and tell... 9-13
1. Go because you are sent by God.
2. Don’t go because it is easy.
3. Don’t go because you will be ‘successful’.
4. Leave the results with God.
Are you willing to say, “Here am I?”
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