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GateWay Church of Visalia

Philosopher Jesus

Philosopher Jesus

Pastor Ed Kemp April 28 & May 1, 2022 Luke 14:1-6

Locations & Times

GateWay Church

1100 S Sowell St, Visalia, CA 93277, USA

Thursday 6:45 PM

Sunday 8:30 AM

Sunday 10:30 AM

So What?!
How do I avoid being a Pharisee?
#1. A relationship with God is family not enslavement!
#2. Commitment to Christ is care not conflict!
#3. A Christ follower emphasizes grace not judgment!
#4. Realize tidy answers don’t help messy lives!
#5. Recommend broad principles not restrictive methods!
Jesus the Philosopher: Answers for Life
Luke 14:1-6, April 28 & May 1, 2022

Prayer Requests:

Group Discussion: Who’s the most self-disciplined person you’ve known?

Read out loud: Luke 14:1-6,
What do you think were the positive traits of a Pharisee?

How do I avoid being a legalistic Pharisee?
#1. Recognize a relationship with God is family not enslavement! But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name, 13 who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God. John 1:12-13. God’s will for us is that we consider ourselves His children. What are the top 3 things a parent should do in the life of their child? What were the common things we know were done to slaves in America? What are the points of contrast between those? Therefore, how should we welcome new family members into our church?
#2. Making a commitment to Christ is care not conflict! Sometimes people who are highly committed to Christ become so zealous that they come across argumentative rather than caring, are zeal and care contradictory? How can they be harmonized? How do you keep care from becoming enablement? How do you keep natural conflict from becoming condemnation? Is it possible to love the sinner and hate the sin?
#3. Remember a Christ follower emphasizes grace not judgment! Does grace mean you overlook and accept anything that anyone does? Can the 10 commandments be observed without being judgmental?
#4. Realize tidy answers don’t help messy lives! Years ago Nancy Reagan coined a slogan against drug use, “Just say no!” She was mocked for a simplistic answer to a complicated problem, what do you think about that? We wouldn’t expect a 5 year old to learn, comprehend and apply PhD level calculus. Think of 2 ways we can encourage not-yet-believers to continue coming to church and grow at a pace that is not overwhelming?
#5. Recommend broad principles not restrictive methods! Reading the Gospel of John one chapter a day to grow is a broad principle, memorizing the Gospel of John in a month before you’re able to be baptized is a restrictive method! Do we have any restrictive methods at GateWay? Do you have any restrictive methods in your own spiritual life that is causing you grief?
Family Time: Read Luke 14:1-6 to your kids. Ask them why the Pharisee’s didn’t discuss with Jesus what they could and couldn’t do on the Sabbath. Ask them how your family can honor Jesus in a positive way on the Sabbath. Make a list and do 1 per week on Sunday.

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