Spring Creek Assembly

What in the World | Part 1 - “The World is Shaking”
Rescue Lost People | Redeem the Family | Raise Up Leaders
Locations & Times
Spring Creek Assembly
1600 E 15th St, Edmond, OK 73013, USA
Sunday 8:30 AM
Sunday 10:00 AM
Sunday 11:30 AM
We encourage you to sign in and take notes. As you follow along, you can use the "add notes" feature to fill in the blanks. The completed answers can be found at the end.
Big Truth: Deception and dread will shake us; faith and focus will strengthen us.
How do we stay strong in a world that is shaking?
Build your life on ___ Jesus said.
How do we stay strong in a world that is shaking?
Build your life on ___ Jesus said.
How do we stay strong in a world that is shaking?
Build your life on ___ Jesus said.
Place your faith in ___ Jesus is.
Build your life on ___ Jesus said.
Place your faith in ___ Jesus is.

How do we stay strong in a world that is shaking?
Build your life on ___ Jesus said.
Place your faith in ___ Jesus is.
Fix your eyes on ___ Jesus lives.
Build your life on ___ Jesus said.
Place your faith in ___ Jesus is.
Fix your eyes on ___ Jesus lives.

Fill in the Blanks
Matthew 24:1-8, NLT
DESTRUCTION is happening.
DECEPTION is happening.
DISTRACTION is happening.
How do we stay strong in a world that is shaking?
Build your life on WHAT Jesus said.
Matthew 24:2, NLT | Matthew 7:24-25, NLT
Place your faith in WHO Jesus is.
Matthew 24:4-5, NLT | Acts 4:11-12, NLT
Fix your eyes on WHERE Jesus lives.
Matthew 24:6, NLT | Hebrews 12:2, GNT | Hebrews 12:28-29, NLT
Matthew 24:1-8, NLT
DESTRUCTION is happening.
DECEPTION is happening.
DISTRACTION is happening.
How do we stay strong in a world that is shaking?
Build your life on WHAT Jesus said.
Matthew 24:2, NLT | Matthew 7:24-25, NLT
Place your faith in WHO Jesus is.
Matthew 24:4-5, NLT | Acts 4:11-12, NLT
Fix your eyes on WHERE Jesus lives.
Matthew 24:6, NLT | Hebrews 12:2, GNT | Hebrews 12:28-29, NLT
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