Fellowship of the Crossroads
Crosswords: "It is Finished" The Final Words from the Cross
On Easter Sunday we conclude our Crosswords series with a look at the final three things that Christ said from the cross and look at the implication they have in our lives today.
Locations & Times
Fellowship of the Crossroads
579 Haynes Rd, Victoria, TX 77904, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM
Seven Words of Christ on the Cross
What we refer to as Christ last words before he gave himself up for us.
Three statements exclusively in the Luke,
Three appear exclusively in the John.
The other saying appears both in the Gospel of Mark and Matthew.
What we refer to as Christ last words before he gave himself up for us.
Three statements exclusively in the Luke,
Three appear exclusively in the John.
The other saying appears both in the Gospel of Mark and Matthew.
ἐγκαταλείπω (egkataleipo) :
to leave behind, i.e. (in a good sense)
let remain over or (in a bad sense) desert
ἐγκαταλείπω (egkataleipo) :
to leave behind, i.e. (in a good sense)
let remain over or (in a bad sense) desert
We can not say that God does not ______________________ us.
Jesus death was...
Crossroads Challenge