First Covenant Church

Tomorrow Begins Today
The resurrection of Jesus gives us hope that what is dead in our lives can be brought to life again. We would love for you and your family to join us as we experience Easter and celebrate the hope we have in Jesus.
Locations & Times
First Covenant Church
6024 L St, Lincoln, NE 68510, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Our Mission: We are disciples who make disciples.
Worship Livestream | YouTube
Join us live in person and online at 9:00 am. Group Questions | April 17, 2022
This Small Group season runs from March 27 - May 22.
1) Read Isaiah 65:17-25. This message was delivered while the people were still in exile. Literally, other people were eating from their vineyards and living in their homes. What kind of hope would a message like this send to a people in exile?
2) Read 1 Peter 1:3-9. Peter references our inheritance. What is our inheritance?
3) Peter speaks of a refining that occurs through trials. What is accomplished through the refining process? What does a refined faith look like?
4) How does the faith that Peter speaks of see Isaiah 65:17-25?
Peter says we will face trials (Jesus said it too) even as we live out this joyful faith.
5) How does a faith in the risen Christ respond to trial and hardship in this life?
6) What encourages you most from Isaiah 65:17-25 or 1 Peter 1: 3-9?
This Small Group season runs from March 27 - May 22.
1) Read Isaiah 65:17-25. This message was delivered while the people were still in exile. Literally, other people were eating from their vineyards and living in their homes. What kind of hope would a message like this send to a people in exile?
2) Read 1 Peter 1:3-9. Peter references our inheritance. What is our inheritance?
3) Peter speaks of a refining that occurs through trials. What is accomplished through the refining process? What does a refined faith look like?
4) How does the faith that Peter speaks of see Isaiah 65:17-25?
Peter says we will face trials (Jesus said it too) even as we live out this joyful faith.
5) How does a faith in the risen Christ respond to trial and hardship in this life?
6) What encourages you most from Isaiah 65:17-25 or 1 Peter 1: 3-9?

We'd like to connect with you! We use Flocknote to send updates and reminders. Text FirstCovLincoln to 84576.
Online Giving
Giving is an act of worship and should be done joyfully (2 Corinthians 9:7). All donations made to First Covenant Church are used to support local, national, or international ministry activities.
Our goal is to build God's Kingdom - not our own. Thank you for your support of our collective mission. goal is to build God's Kingdom - not our own. Thank you for your support of our collective mission.