Pennsville Baptist Church

Sunday Morning Service
Sunday Morning Service
Locations & Times
Pennsville Baptist Church
3298 Richey Rd, Mt Pleasant, PA 15666, USA
Sunday 9:45 AM
Isaiah 3:1-4:6
“Losing To Gain”
When A Nation Forgets God
1. Prophecy had near and far implications. Chapter 3 deals with the coming Assyrian Invasion in 722 B.C., but also foreshadows the Tribulation prior to the Second Coming. There are also lessons for any nation who one time followed our Lord.
2. “He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” Jim Elliot
3. We will not gain what we cannot lose without giving up what we cannot keep.
4. Have you lost something? Has something been taken away from you? God wants to create something ‘New’.
5. Isaiah 3:1-4:6
I. THE PURGING OF PRIDE 3:1-4:1 He takes away something we hold dear.
II. THE PURITY OF PRESENCE 4:2-6 He creates something New
Have you forgotten God? God wants to create something new.
He takes away something we hold dear...something temporary.
A. Pride In Stability 1-15
1. The Retribution 1-7
A.) I Will Take Away 1-3 False Security…False Dependence
*Provisions and Possessions…all is gone. *Positions…*Prestige…
*Power…*Performance…all is gone!!
B.) I Will Give 4-7 He is going to replace Competence with
Incompetence…Maturity for Immaturity…One way God judges a people
is by depriving them of worthy leaders…Finally, the absence of ability 6,
7 No one responsible wants the job.
2. The Reasons 8-11
The sin of ‘self’...
A.)They Were Self-Assertive In Their Sin 8 His glorious presence…God is
Witness. Israel cared nothing with how their words and works appeared to God.
B.)They Were Self-Evident In Their Sin 9 They declared their sin like
Sodom. They were blatant in their sinning.
C.)They Were Self-Destructive In Their Sin 10-11 Woe unto thy soul…for
they have rewarded evil unto themselves. This is the boomerang quality of sin. It is the law of sowing and reaping.
3. The Results 12-15
Following the wrong leaders…what a warning to America!
A.)The Leaders Had Weakened God’s People 12a Women were behind the
throne which was never a sign of strength in Israel. Their oppressors act like children. They treat the people like play things.
B.)The Leaders Had Confused God’s People 12b There was no direction in
the path of righteousness. Cause thee to error…destroy the way of thy paths.
C.)The Leaders Had Robbed God’s People 14 Eaten up the
vineyard…spoil the poor (They use them for their purposes) They should
have bestowed care.
D.) The Leaders Had Mistreated God’s People 15
B. Pride In Substance 16-4:1
1. The Evidence of Loss 16-24 Women flaunted themselves with riches, beauty,
extravagant lifestyle. I will take away…Beauty for Burning…Luxury for
Lack…The Stuff is gone (18-24) Note Instead in v. 24 One thing is going to
replace another.
2. The Effects of Loss 25-4:1
A.) Decimation 25 They shall fall.
B.) Disconsolation 26a Her gates shall lament.
C.) Desolation 26b To die childless was to the Hebrew the highest form of
D.) Desperation 4:1
We will not gain what we cannot lose without giving up what we cannot
Have you forgotten God? God wants to create something new.
God wants to create something NEW, something ETERNAL, something GENUINE!
A. The Person of the Lord 2
1. This is the Messiah…In that day…the day of the Lord. The period described
commences with judgment followed by 1000 years of Christ reigning.
2. The branch of the Lord is His deity. The fruit of the earth refers to the Son of
man. Shall be excellent and comely speaks of His majesty and splendor.
B. The Purifying of the Lord 3-4
1. The People of Purifying 2b-3a Them that escape are those who survive the
Tribulation. He who is left (Rom. 11:26, 27) all Israel shall be saved. The human
race will be reduced by 2/3 to 3/4.
2. The Product of Purifying 3b Shall be called holy…the filth of the daughters
of Zion…bloods (plural) is purged.
3. The Process of Purifying 4 Spirit of judgment…Spirit of burning This is
national cleansing. What can wash away my sin? NOTHING BUT THE BLOOD
C. The Presence of the Lord 5-6
Loss is ultimately replaced with Himself!
1. The Sign of His Presence 5 Cloud…Fire reminds us of the Exodus. For over
all the glory shall be a covering. This is the overshadowing presence of God!
2. The Scope of His Presence 5 Upon every dwelling place, over every
Assembly Over God’s people individually and corporately…personally or in
every gathering God is there!
3. The Security of His Presence 6 His presence was there day and night and in
all weather. The language is figuratively. A Refuge…A Cover from storm and
“He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose” Jim Elliot
He will not gain what he cannot lose without giving up what he cannot keep.
“Losing To Gain”
When A Nation Forgets God
1. Prophecy had near and far implications. Chapter 3 deals with the coming Assyrian Invasion in 722 B.C., but also foreshadows the Tribulation prior to the Second Coming. There are also lessons for any nation who one time followed our Lord.
2. “He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” Jim Elliot
3. We will not gain what we cannot lose without giving up what we cannot keep.
4. Have you lost something? Has something been taken away from you? God wants to create something ‘New’.
5. Isaiah 3:1-4:6
I. THE PURGING OF PRIDE 3:1-4:1 He takes away something we hold dear.
II. THE PURITY OF PRESENCE 4:2-6 He creates something New
Have you forgotten God? God wants to create something new.
He takes away something we hold dear...something temporary.
A. Pride In Stability 1-15
1. The Retribution 1-7
A.) I Will Take Away 1-3 False Security…False Dependence
*Provisions and Possessions…all is gone. *Positions…*Prestige…
*Power…*Performance…all is gone!!
B.) I Will Give 4-7 He is going to replace Competence with
Incompetence…Maturity for Immaturity…One way God judges a people
is by depriving them of worthy leaders…Finally, the absence of ability 6,
7 No one responsible wants the job.
2. The Reasons 8-11
The sin of ‘self’...
A.)They Were Self-Assertive In Their Sin 8 His glorious presence…God is
Witness. Israel cared nothing with how their words and works appeared to God.
B.)They Were Self-Evident In Their Sin 9 They declared their sin like
Sodom. They were blatant in their sinning.
C.)They Were Self-Destructive In Their Sin 10-11 Woe unto thy soul…for
they have rewarded evil unto themselves. This is the boomerang quality of sin. It is the law of sowing and reaping.
3. The Results 12-15
Following the wrong leaders…what a warning to America!
A.)The Leaders Had Weakened God’s People 12a Women were behind the
throne which was never a sign of strength in Israel. Their oppressors act like children. They treat the people like play things.
B.)The Leaders Had Confused God’s People 12b There was no direction in
the path of righteousness. Cause thee to error…destroy the way of thy paths.
C.)The Leaders Had Robbed God’s People 14 Eaten up the
vineyard…spoil the poor (They use them for their purposes) They should
have bestowed care.
D.) The Leaders Had Mistreated God’s People 15
B. Pride In Substance 16-4:1
1. The Evidence of Loss 16-24 Women flaunted themselves with riches, beauty,
extravagant lifestyle. I will take away…Beauty for Burning…Luxury for
Lack…The Stuff is gone (18-24) Note Instead in v. 24 One thing is going to
replace another.
2. The Effects of Loss 25-4:1
A.) Decimation 25 They shall fall.
B.) Disconsolation 26a Her gates shall lament.
C.) Desolation 26b To die childless was to the Hebrew the highest form of
D.) Desperation 4:1
We will not gain what we cannot lose without giving up what we cannot
Have you forgotten God? God wants to create something new.
God wants to create something NEW, something ETERNAL, something GENUINE!
A. The Person of the Lord 2
1. This is the Messiah…In that day…the day of the Lord. The period described
commences with judgment followed by 1000 years of Christ reigning.
2. The branch of the Lord is His deity. The fruit of the earth refers to the Son of
man. Shall be excellent and comely speaks of His majesty and splendor.
B. The Purifying of the Lord 3-4
1. The People of Purifying 2b-3a Them that escape are those who survive the
Tribulation. He who is left (Rom. 11:26, 27) all Israel shall be saved. The human
race will be reduced by 2/3 to 3/4.
2. The Product of Purifying 3b Shall be called holy…the filth of the daughters
of Zion…bloods (plural) is purged.
3. The Process of Purifying 4 Spirit of judgment…Spirit of burning This is
national cleansing. What can wash away my sin? NOTHING BUT THE BLOOD
C. The Presence of the Lord 5-6
Loss is ultimately replaced with Himself!
1. The Sign of His Presence 5 Cloud…Fire reminds us of the Exodus. For over
all the glory shall be a covering. This is the overshadowing presence of God!
2. The Scope of His Presence 5 Upon every dwelling place, over every
Assembly Over God’s people individually and corporately…personally or in
every gathering God is there!
3. The Security of His Presence 6 His presence was there day and night and in
all weather. The language is figuratively. A Refuge…A Cover from storm and
“He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose” Jim Elliot
He will not gain what he cannot lose without giving up what he cannot keep.
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