First Covenant Church

A Teachable Heart
God is able to save. We need to be saved. Being saved only happens when we admit our faults in breaking our relationship with God.
Locations & Times
First Covenant Church
6024 L St, Lincoln, NE 68510, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Our Mission: We are disciples who make disciples.
Worship Livestream | YouTube
Join us live in person and online at 9:00 am. Group Questions | April 10, 2022
This Small Group season runs from March 27 - May 22.
1) Are you more of a rule-follower or a rebel? Both personalities can bring their ups and downs for sure. What causes a rebellious attitude? What kind of problems can those with a rebellious attitude face?
There are four "servant songs" in Isaiah (42:1-7; 49:1-6; 50:1-11; 52:13-53:11). Read the fourth servant song, Isaiah 52:13-53:11 and consider the following questions:
2) What are the most remarkable character traits of the Servant?
3) The Servant is crushed for our iniquities (v. 5). What does this mean?
4) If the Servant is Jesus – which is the Christian claim – what does this mean his disciples are supposed to look like? What attitude of heart and character should we have if the suffering Servant of Isaiah 53 is our Savior?
This Small Group season runs from March 27 - May 22.
1) Are you more of a rule-follower or a rebel? Both personalities can bring their ups and downs for sure. What causes a rebellious attitude? What kind of problems can those with a rebellious attitude face?
There are four "servant songs" in Isaiah (42:1-7; 49:1-6; 50:1-11; 52:13-53:11). Read the fourth servant song, Isaiah 52:13-53:11 and consider the following questions:
2) What are the most remarkable character traits of the Servant?
3) The Servant is crushed for our iniquities (v. 5). What does this mean?
4) If the Servant is Jesus – which is the Christian claim – what does this mean his disciples are supposed to look like? What attitude of heart and character should we have if the suffering Servant of Isaiah 53 is our Savior?

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Online Giving
Giving is an act of worship and should be done joyfully (2 Corinthians 9:7). All donations made to First Covenant Church are used to support local, national, or international ministry activities.
Our goal is to build God's Kingdom - not our own. Thank you for your support of our collective mission. goal is to build God's Kingdom - not our own. Thank you for your support of our collective mission.